Going to Australia/Familiar Faces

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Shaggy: Like, I know what the outback is, and I don't want to go "out back" to look at dust and trees.

Daphne: Come on Shaggy, I'm sure there's more to see then that.

Velma: And I got 17 rolls of film to capture it all.

James looked at a sign, and he immediately got an idea.

James: What if you heard great music while you were there?

Shaggy: In the middle of nowhere?

James: Not "nowhere", there look.

He pointed to the sign as Daphne read it aloud.

Daphne: "Vampire Rock Music Festival".

Shaggy and Scooby: Vampire?!

Daphne: That sounds like a lot of fun James!

Velma: Vampire Rock is located right in the middle of Australia, we could see a lot of the outback on our way there.

Shaggy: Scoob and I don't think it's a good idea, going to a place where vampires rock. That's asking for trouble!

Scooby: Reah, trouble!

Fred: That's just the name of the place.

Velma: And there's no such thing as vampires.

Daphne: And I'm sure a festival that size will have every food stand imaginable.

Shaggy: Licorice pizza, chocolate covered corn on the cob, tutti fruity ice cream, like not to mention some great local food!

Shaggy and Scooby packed up everything in bags and looked at the gang.

Scooby: Ready!

Fred shook his head.

Fred: Real music lovers.

Shaggy: Like, who's ever heard of Australian vampires anyway?

The gang packed up the van and started driving to Vampire Rock. after an hour of driving, Shaggy and Scooby finished another round of their game. Velma, Daphne and James looked at them.

Velma: Aree you guys ever going to stop playing that game?

Shaggy: Like I said before nothing to look at but dust and trees.

James: You'd be surprised Shaggy, the outback is full of life.

Shaggy: Oh boy, I'll believe it when I see it.

After having stop to eat, play football, sight-seeing, and filling up the van for gas, they came up to a sign.

Fred: Just a few more mile. I mean, kilometers, anyway we're almost there.

James: I think it's pretty cool that they're having a music festival way out here.

They drove a few more miles down the road but came to a slow stop at the sight of the mountain before them. It was a massive mountain, they gasped as they kept driving.

Velma: There it is, Vampire Rock.

Fred: Wow.

Daphne: It's spectacular.

Shaggy: Man, we really are in the middle of nowhere.

Velma: It says the locals call it Vampire Rock because they believe the Yowie Yahoo Lives in the rocks' caves.

Daphne: The Yowie Yahoo?

Velma: An ancient Australian vampire.

Shaggy: Zoinks! We were wrong Scoob, there are Australian vampires! Next time I agree to go to a place named after a vampire, I need you to do me a favor for me guys.

Scooby Doo and The Legend of the Vampire (James Hunt)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora