First Attack/ Two Skinny Dudes

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A few hours later the gang got together and "practiced", Velma had a hard time walking in heels. They could hear the dingo dogs howling in the distance. Daphne was playing a piano guitar, Fred was on the electric guitar, Scooby was on the drums, Shaggy played bass, and James also played the electric guitar, his guitar is a golden sparkle Ibanez PS60, looks just like the one that Paul Stanley plays. It's also the guitar he had when the Scooby gang played on stage with the Hex Girls back in Oakhaven.

Velma: How do rockstars walk in these?!

Daphne: Pretend they're high heels.

Velma: I don't good at those either.

Shaggy was playing the guitar, but the string snapped, Scooby was on the drums drumming but when he hit the symbol it came off crashing on his head.

Fred: I don't know how well will play but, at least we look the part.

James: I don't know about you guys, but I'm like really loving this jacket.

A/n: Pick your favorite rockstar costume to go with this scene.

Velma: I hope we don't have to play at all.

Daphne: I thought you loved to sing, Velma.

Velma: Not in front of so many people. I get stage fright.

Shaggy: Yeah? Well, I get vampire fright.

Scooby did a rim shot. Daphne walked over to a speaker and saw white paint on it.

Daphne: Hey, look at this.

James: Makeup?

Daphne: Stage makeup actually, so the audience could see you better.

Shaggy: Like, Matt Marvelous was a musician.

Daphne: Even so, I doubt he'd wear this color. It's glowing white.

Fred looked over a saw a footprint.

Fred: And look at this, a footprint, from a hiking boot to be exact.

Fred walked over to the footprint and inspected it. When he touched it, it felt sticky, like syrup or glue.

Fred: Hmm, that's strange.

Velma: How so?

Fred: The print is sticky like glue. But it's not glue exactly. I don't know what it is.

All of a sudden, a golf cart with four people drove up to the stage.

Man: You're the new competition?

Fred: Yeah, we're taking Matt Marvelous's place in the contest.

The people with the man started laughing.

Daphne: You must be Jasper Ridgeway.

James: And you must be The Bad Omens. Jack, King, Queen, am I right?

Queen: Yes, are you a fan of The Bad Omens?

James: Yes and no. I've listened to some of your music but it's something that I don't get into that easily.

Scooby Doo and The Legend of the Vampire (James Hunt)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora