Going to Australia/Familiar Faces

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A/N: After the opening scene

James came out of his room and walked over to Fred and Velma who were playing shuffleboard. He sat down in a chair and smiled.

Velma: This is the life.

James: Yeah, sure is.

Fred: Now that we solved the mystery of the sea serpent smugglers, our vacation should be smooth sailing.

As James was relaxing and Fred and Velma were playing their game, there came a big wave that drenched the three. They immediately knew who caused the wave, Daphne. James grabbed three towels for Fred, Velma, and him. The three dried off and glared at Daphne.

Velma: Great form, Daphne.

Fred: Yeah, I'll say.

James: Just try to keep us out of the wave.

Daphne just laughs and shrugs. After a few minutes, Velma went to the side of the ship and smiled.

Velma: Hey everybody, come look at this.

She pointed at the port they were entering.

Velma: Sydney Harbor.

They saw a bunch of people sailing, hang gliding, and boating.

Fred: Wow, we're finally in Australia.

Daphne: This was a great idea James, this is going to be the best vacation ever.

Scooby: Reah!

After a few minutes the ship docked, the gang went to their rooms and grabbed their luggage. They walked down the gangplank.

Fred: And no vacation would be complete without the Mystery Machine.

He pointed to the side of the ship where workers were driving out the van. They got in the Mystery Machine and started driving down a few roads. They were driving for what seemed like 15 minutes until Daphne saw a sign.

Daphne: There it is.

James: What?

Daphne: Bondi Beach.

Fred parked the van, and everyone went to the changing room and changed into their swimsuits. Daphne was suntanning, Velma was reading a guidebook, Fred was cooking, Shaggy and Scooby were surfing, and James was also reading a book. Fred called out.

Fred: Lunch is served!

Velma: Be right there, Freddie.

Fred: Come on gang, everything's going to get cold!

James got up and grabbed a plate of food. Shaggy and Scooby came back on the sand and also grabbed a plate of food. Velma called everyone over. Everyone walked over to Velma.

Velma: Come here guys, I got a great idea. How do you guys feel about exploring the outback?

Scooby and Shaggy: Outback?

Fred: Sure, Australia's not all beach. The outback's the wild inland park.

Velma: My guidebook says it makes up almost 85% of the continent.

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