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you had just finished getting ready for bed and now slid in beside caly seeing him flicking through his phone

caly-kole isnt very happy with your instagram post
he sad staring at all of the comments you had from kole, lexy and a couple other friends from school

you-i don't care it's his own fault
you smiled reading some of the comments from your own phone and replying to a couple

lexy-im glad ur happy bae

lexy-you're so pretty i cant get over it
^you-thanks lex

lexy-plase forgive me, i cant loose youu

kole-you're fucking joking right? the nerdy boy


kole-god im an idiot, you're so so gorgeous

you locked ur phone and rolled over snuggling into caly

caly-do you know how much i like you?

you smiled glancing up to him as his hands stroked your hair


caly-more than alot, its been 3 years and i finally got you
he whispered

caly-i promise you i won't waste this opportunity just like everybody else has
he gently kissed your forehead and you sighed

you-thank you caly

caly-for what?
he asked sweetly

you-everything. making me happy on those stupid paddle boards, for talking to me, comforting to me, even feeding me food
you chuckled

you-i want to thank you for taking care of me

caly-i'll always take care of you y/n
he whispered gently tucking his head in your neck

and with that you feel asleep.

you had an amazing day with caly doing some paddle boarding, swimming and running before packing up the car and beginning the journey home and when you got back you fell right onto the couch causing ur dad to chuckle

dad-are you seriously gonna leave caly stood there with your 3 bags?
he laughed

caly-and i was the 1 driving for 2 hours
he shook his head placing the bags down

caly-you dont mind if i stay tonight?

dad-not at all, i ordered food knowing you'd be back either way
he smiled and you shot your head up

you-omg please tell me it's that taco place?

he nodded and you squealed happily seeing caly gazing and smiling

you-did you get caly something too??

dad-you think im that mean?

you giggled and slid aside letting caly sit with you

dad-im going to catch up on some paper work but i'll be in the garage all summer

you said shocked

he smiled
dad-alot of work, it'll be fun have fun you two oh and i already paid online

he left the room and you smiled sliding into caly's arms

caly-im so tired and i dont think i can eat
he whispered against your ear smiling and you nudged him away

you-shut up smiley face

caly-nooo just a nap
he giggled pulling you back and you giggled lying against him before hearing the door ring

you-i'll get it cuz i actually want the food
you joked stumbling over to the door pulling it open keeping it eyes on his

you-i mean you can sleep whilst i eat these amazing-
your words came to a stop and your eyes fell onto kole at the door holding something of yours

he said softly glancing down to the object in his hand...

was that..my mini stuffed animal?

i need that to help me sleep why has he got it..?

you-i um
you stuttered

caly-whats wrong?
caly asked walking over and his smile fell at the sight of kole

you-give us a minute?
you asked with a smile and caly return one and a kiss on ur cheek leaving you too it

kole-wow you've moved on fast
he muttered with his eyes watery

kole-i was unpacking the other day and found this, assuming it's not mine and we shared a room its yours. im pretty sure i saw you cuddling it most nights
he smiled leaning his hand out holding the little elephant

you replied softly taking it from him

you-when did you dye your hair?
you asked noticing his beautiful dark brown curls

kole-oh, yesterday
he smiled

you-how's lexy?
you asked hesitantly

kole-we agreed to not talk
he answered with a smile still gazing at you.

you-you did?

he nodded
kole-yeah on the same night

you whispered sliding your teddy onto the counter as he stepped inside

kole-im guessing you thought i was the delivery guy huh?

you both laughed

you-we're having tacos, my favourite
you smiled looking back to him.

he was as beautiful as ever. that turtle neck and those casual jeans. the little chain pulled his look all together

kole-spicy sauce too?
he asked and you nodded

kole-well in that case, my favourite aswell
he chuckled to himself leaning back against the counter side

you-going somewhere? your very dressed up
you said ushering to his shirt gently touching his chest

kole-family dinner in 1 hour? i was hoping to spend my spare time with you but ur um, busy and it's not like you wanna see my face
he slowly came to a stop taking ur hand in his gently

kole-you're so soft
he whispered running his thumb off your hand and you smiled

you-well you dont wanna be late, you should go. plus making an early appearance definitely sets a good example

he smiled sliding off you and back to the door

kole-is he staying the night?
he asked a little quieter now

you shook your head no now stood back infront of him ready to close the door

you-not that we've arranged it no
you chuckled watching him smirk..

your hand slid onto the door handle as he glanced down to meet ur eyes

kole-i'll bring you leftovers
he whispered gently touching your cheek

kole-its my mom's friends restaurant so home made
he giggled

his laugh does things to me.

you-id love that and maybe id get an apology aswell?

kole shook his head down to the ground

kole-of course you will sweetheart
he whispered letting you go as another guy passed him with your food

you-caly foods here!
you called out giving kole a wave goodbye taking the food from the guy thanking him and enjoying ur dinner with caly....

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