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warning: smut!!

it had now reached the end of the day and you walked outside with kole basically clinging to you

kole-i missed you last night
he whispered into your ear as you both leant up on his car

you giggled
you-well i was busy doing work here until 6:30

kole-mr b must of hated it

you shurgged
you-i want good grades his gonna have to deal with it

your lips fell into a smile staring at his

kole-so what's your plans tonight

you-i have to stay at a friends for 8 but nothing until then
you admitted through your little lies..

kole-so we can go back to mine and i can have some fun
he smirked pulling on your belt and you glanced around seeing marco and lexy walk out the building staring at you, other than that..clear

you chuckled grabbing his hands in yours

kole-please y/n, ive been nothing but devoted to you since the whole lexy mess up and im driving myself crazy just looking at you
he whispered holding your face

he begged holding your face gently rubbing his thumb off your cheek

you whispered back not sure if you wanted to or not

he asked excited

you forced a smile seeing him frown

kole-if it's a no, tell me no y/n i can hear how unsure you are

you-i don't know kole
you sighed letting your head fall to his chest and his hands followed into your hair

kole-hey its okay if your not ready for that considering your past too
he whispered gently kissing your head

you-i know but i should be
you replied resting your chin on his chest staring up at him

kole-kisses and cuddles are perfectly fine for me
he smiled gently melting into your lips and you held his face pulling back

you-okay lets go
you smiled leaving the school ground and after a couple hours of cuddling, napping and kissing with kole you decided you had to go home now before marco shown up

you-i think it's time i go home to grab my stuff to stay over my friends
you said getting up off the couch

kole-okay, do you need dropping home or there?

you-kole i live like 20 minutes away
you chuckled

you-i'll be okay on my own, have a good night
you smiled grabbing your school bag beginning to walk home..

you heard a horn beep and glanced over seeing marco's car

you chuckled and walked over climbing in

mr b-you cant be walking home alone looking this beautiful
he whispered pulling off...

around 7 minutes later you arrived back home letting him inside and he let his puppy down on the ground

you-its pretty cold in here sorry about that i haven't been in
you apologised turning some lights on

mr b-dont worry about it, im sure it'll warm up as soon as i start cooking

you smiled petting his dog

you-im gonna go change and then i can come help
you left the room deciding to change into a laced bra, your black sweatpants and the tie as a joke before meeting him back in the kitchen

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15 ⏰

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