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Conservancy is the keep thing the way things they should be to you.  My heritage is full of dying cultures or already dead cultures for example I am Amazonia not the shopping site but any why the amazons died what the three great religions came in , and the Uighur and Tibetans are dying out, if you read in the news.   You know that Uighur, tibetan and Chechen way is going the way of the dinosaurs at the hands of their fellow human beings.    I am one for piercings and tattoos not to rebell against modern western society like most people my ages do.   I do this to keep things the way my ancestors waited it to be if they were still going strong.  For example the Tibetan and some Uighurs believed in facial piercings and some tattoos, and being physically flexible to the point where it freaks other people out.   And the altai people of the Eastern Europe and Central Asia the Scythian and Amazonian (woman) have had tattoos......somethings that interested me from a young age.   So I a fill my body tattoos and piercings (to an extent) to educate and converse my dead or dying cultures that flow in my veins.  All my tattoos would be wierd to the amazons but the fact that they are in my skin would make them happy.   I never had a rebellious bone in my body.      But conservation can apply to your cultures even if their not dying off.   For example traditional clothes are their for a reason.   But also learning the language of genetic cultures will show that you want to be preserving your culture in a peaceful way.      Conversancy is important if it done if it does peacefully like through clothes, body art or language.
Now don't get me started on this but some idiots thinking that using war, violence, and ultimately terrorism (puking now) not perserve their cultures....which is wrong.
When I also to about conversancy I am also talking about being able protect your personality, morals and physical health.   For example I went to to catholic school and fought tooth and nail just to converse my or protect my unique and curious personality.   No I don't have DID but I was and because of the fights I got into verbally I am still unique and curious.   I have an Iq of 196 something that I knew I had to protect it.    The same with my morals, why because ideas of what was right wrong safe and dangerous was a warnting protection.       They high school party typical are full of sex drugs and alcohol.   Three thing that can end in disaster both emotional or mortality.  So if someone ask or forced me to go to a party; I went off on them and go for the jugular.  Why drinking, getting high, and having sex are not on the table for me.   I have heard horror stories of these  parties going to hell in a hand basket.  
As for protecting your man pool or physical health going to the doctor is very important and getting your shots are The ways of conserving your mantle and physical health as well as eating three times a day is important. But also there are other threats in this world that might cause you to conserve things that you hold dear.  
What are you conservative you think conservative what really it's just trying to protect the things that you care about the most about your life maybe even your own country if you will. It's to help you be a better person, friends, family and lover.  And if it comes to it protecting the your homeland from others bullshit aka from war and other dangers.
This is something that I take seriously because my birth country had pissy airport security, and was a hub for terrorists some of which hurt people and their children.....I was one of the children.  Even though I am just an entertainer it matters for me in case I have children.......I want. Them to be safe from the same idiots who caused me near death.
To me airport security s important for all not just travellers but also for people of all ages from new born to 88.  It's important to protect the innocent from the forces of death, evil and human stupidity. When I am mean human stupidity I am referring to the butt heads who causes 9/11.  Because of 9/11 I had a lot to prove to the bullies who blamed me and my peoples for the attacks.   Let's say that not all Asian is a f*cking terrorist.

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