Chapter 12

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Seen a lot of injuries, then. Violent deaths Sherlock spoke Well, yes John Watson replied. Bit of trouble too, I bet? Sherlock continued

Of course. Yes. Enough for a lifetime, far too much.

Want to see some more? Sherlock asked - Oh, God, yes. Sorry, Mrs. Hudson, I'll skip the tea. Off out.

Both of you? - Impossible suicides? Four of them? No point sitting at home when there's finally something fun going on!

Look at you, all happy. It's not decent. - Who cares about decent?

 - Who cares about decent?

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The game, Mrs. Hudson, is on! Their search for the black cauldron led Sherlock Holmes straight back to the ARC

Oi James Lester shouted fireing from his gun at the creature looming behind Sherlock and his blogger I thought I told you Sherlock

What are you doing here Sherlock? I thought I told you Sherlock Holmes not to come back to the ARC Sherlock Holmes sighed you did and it was my fault we had a falling out in the first place but our search for the black cauldron lead me back to the...

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What are you doing here Sherlock? I thought I told you Sherlock Holmes not to come back to the ARC Sherlock Holmes sighed you did and it was my fault we had a falling out in the first place but our search for the black cauldron lead me back to the ARC.

Your looking for the black cauldron. Why are you looking for the black cauldron? James asked.

Sherlock shrugged in response

The black cauldron is better off lost but what if someone finds it someone like.....The Horned King Sherlock responded clearly worried.

The Horned King won't find it because nobody knows where it is James said you know Sherlock said simply.

I can't Sherlock if someone else knows the location it would put them in immediate danger and I can't let that happen

Sherlock huffed and stormed out of the room Watson following behind but the more the greatest detective and his blogger meddled and continued their search for The black cauldron the easier it was for their enemies to find them and those enemies included The Horned King, Creature and the evil Queen Snow White.

Over time Alice began to warm up to Jefferson.

Alice hit the ground hard as Jefferson shoved her out of the way of the coming blade

Jefferson parried the blow laughing I'm a natural he said holding the sword to Creature 's throat.

JEFFERSON! Alice screamed But it was too late as the blade was plunged into his chest from behind. You know I never liked Hatter's Snow White said as Jefferson sunk to the ground Alice ran to him gathering him in her arms.

Jefferson it's going to be okay just hold on you don't get to die because of me

Alice was quiet surprised that Jefferson had made it to the hospital which James Lester had driven them too literally racing against time.

Where am I Jefferson asked. Your in the hospital Alice said softly
Oh my god Jefferson said leaning his head back against the pillow

WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING JEFFERSON HATTER! Alice shouted it's not like you care Jefferson said you don't even trust me Jefferson added

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WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING JEFFERSON HATTER! Alice shouted it's not like you care Jefferson said you don't even trust me Jefferson added.

But as I told you before I don't care about something like that I don't care if someone like you trust's me or not I just don't care Jefferson answered.

Your right I don't trust you Alice replied at least not when we first met but I do now and have for quite some time as your constantly saving my life with that magic hat of yours. Alice said before feeling his forehead with the front and back of her hand

 Alice said before feeling his forehead with the front and back of her hand

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Don't worry it's all going to be okay Alice said. Promise Jefferson muttered before he fell asleep again why do you trust him so much? Brilee said quietly.

Hes saved my life more times than I can count and over the few years we spent working together I got to know him the real him and he has one of the kindest souls I've ever met Alice explained.

As the prophecy is foretold, a wizard said the infamous Jack Ketch will rise again. The wizard looked first at the unconscious Jefferson Hatter before his gaze moved to Alice

His eyes locked with those of Alice . “There is no escape from destiny, lad”, the wizard added looking straight into Alice's stormy blue eyes.

I don't believe in destiny and such.

Upon first glance, people would say Alice Grimm was a knockout who had always put others before herself; but upon closer inspection, boys would change that opinion. She had bitten her nails down to the quick, a habit she had gotten from her uncle Jacob. 

Alice Grimm had gotten a sword for her fifth birthday and let's just say she knew how to use it like really knew how to use it.

Alice Grimm had gotten a sword for her fifth birthday and let's just say she knew how to use it like really knew how to use it

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Her Name Struck Fear Into Most.

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