Chapter 8

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Someone did this in cold blood there was no water anywhere in the ARC you want her back don't you? Hailey didn't trust herself to speak so she just nodded well I have a plan to do that it's going to be dangerous.

Hailey's eyes lit up at this we can bring her back I'll have my sister back the man nodded I'm Captain Hilary Becker by the way the man introduced.

Do you know who did this? Hailey asked. I have my suspicions but I can't be sure Captain Hilary Becker responded I'm sorry I failed to protect her you must hate me Hilary Becker became solemn and I wouldn't blame you if you do I hate myself for not being fast enough. I could have saved her if I was fast enough.

Hey I don't hate you I'm not even mad Hailey said honestly sure I want to kill whoever did this she said gesturing to her unmoving sister but it wasn't you you tried to save her thats what matters to me Hilary.

Well that's a relief Captain Hilary Becker sighed he wondered how this girl could be so understanding any other person would blame him for their siblings death but Hailey didn't.

Who are you suspicious of? Hailey asked her name is Helen Cutter Hilary Becker responded and then the two fell into a comfortable silence.

That was until Abby burst into the room her brother had gone through the Anomaly

Becker being Becker decided to wait for backup but Abby wasn't listening and stepped through the Anomaly they had found Abby's brother wood crushing his leg and his arm broken

Becker being Becker decided to wait for backup but Abby wasn't listening and stepped through the Anomaly they had found Abby's brother wood crushing his leg and his arm broken

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Whatever happens, just get them out of here. Good luck Captain Hilary Becker said grabbing either side of Hailey's face cupping both of her cheeks in his hands he pulled back leaving Hailey with a dazed expression on her face.

Becker! Hailey shouted as the future predators attacked

The group ran into a bus Danny looked around before he spoke Becker? Connor shook his head He tried to save us Hailey said sadly

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The group ran into a bus Danny looked around before he spoke Becker? Connor shook his head He tried to save us Hailey said sadly

You okay? Abby asked her brother I'm in agony. If you told me the truth, I wouldn't even be here. Where are we? How come it took you guys so long to get here, I mean, I was terrified Jack replied

Becker sacrificed himself to save you. Is that all you can say Hailey said keep that kid away from me she added. Who's Becker? Jack asked He's the man who just took on a pack of killers to save your skin Connor said and what Jack said next was enough to make Hailey's blood boil and that word that one word was So?

So? So, what? He's dead and it's your fault. Stupid, selfish... Hailey said grabbing Jack by the collar slamming him against the wall of the bus

The group managed to escape making their way to the locked Anomaly No! no! James must have accidentally closed it they were still at the ARC Somehow an Anomaly opened there.

The group managed to escape making their way to the locked Anomaly No! no! James must have accidentally closed it they were still at the ARC Somehow an Anomaly opened there

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As the group turned around they saw a future predator jumping from car to car but just then there was a gunshot and from the car closest to them came Captain Hilary Becker

Danny laughed and Hailey tackled him to the ground just as the Anomaly reopened one by one they jumped through. And it would be the next day that the group would set their plan into motion.

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