Chapter 6

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Hilary Becker woke screaming as no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get Bailey out of his head her limp unmoving form and those glassy eye's haunted him day and night

Hilary Becker woke screaming as no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get Bailey out of his head her limp unmoving form and those glassy eye's haunted him day and night

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Hilary Becker what's the matter James said appearing in the doorway. James I'm sorry I woke you the other man said I see her every where James her limp unmoving form is all I see when I close my eyes I can't get her out of my head James if I had been quicker she'd still be here but she isn't and I just I loved her it just isn't fair.

I should of found her faster and with that Captain Hilary Becker cried himself to sleep waking to the sound of an anomaly alert coming from Connors anomaly detector. As he shot upright he saw her again.

Why!? Why was life so unfair? So cruel? Captain Hilary Becker wondered as he ran out into the hallway his eyes bloodshot ever since he had fished her out of the water too late he was haunted by her beautiful face was haunted by everything about he...

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Why!? Why was life so unfair? So cruel? Captain Hilary Becker wondered as he ran out into the hallway his eyes bloodshot ever since he had fished her out of the water too late he was haunted by her beautiful face was haunted by everything about her that he hadn't been able to catch a wink of sleep or if he did it wasn't a descent amount.

You look terrible Sherlock stated he like Mycroft had regained his memories of his sister but he drowned his pain in his work he knew that was what Captain Hilary Becker was doing but he was failing unlike Sherlock, Mycroft looked like he was about to break.

Thanks, Captain Hilary Becker said sarcastically before he stormed out of the room after Connor Temple and Abby Maitland.

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