Nowaki muttered a curse in a hasty whisper. He tried not to make noise during the night as to not disturb Hiroki. Upon walking up from a nightmare, one where he felt his throat closing up, he woke up in Hiroki's arms. Thinking Hiroki slept deep, he removed himself out of Hiroki's embrace and wandered around their home. Throughout the process of calming himself down, he checked up on Hiroki and he remained asleep.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

Hiroki placed his chin on the top of Nowaki's head. "I assumed you wanted your peace. You tried hard not to make noise after all. Maybe you didn't want me to bother you."

"No...maybe? I'm not sure." Nowaki placed his hands on Hiroki's forearms. "I came here to prove my lack of fear of the ocean. At least, I'm not shaking as I'm sitting here. Right?"

Hiroki listened to him, tightened his grip around him. "I understand."

"You do?" Nowaki tried tipping his head back and Hiroki lifted his head up to give him the chance. "You're not afraid of anything."

"Oh, I fear many things in this world. I just don't show it." Hiroki pressed a kiss on Nowaki's forehead and informed him. "I'll see you this afternoon. Try not to get lost in the forest."

Huffing his cheeks, Nowaki said. "I don't get lost anymore!"


Throwing old fish bones into a trash pile, Nowaki tidied up the home in the manner Hiroki showed him. Without cleaning supplies or indoor plumbing, everything was done in certain ways which kept the home intact. Nowaki still got confused at the ways Hiroki showed him to not ruin his creation. Regardless, he tried not to make too much of a mess of the foundation of their home.

Hiroki passed their home for a quick moment during his usual errands. They shared hello kisses, a small conversation, then goodbye kisses before Nowaki resumed trying to make the place look presentable. He counted anything missing in their pantry before putting a few baskets near the door to remember collect their usual produce for the next day.

Approving of the cleanliness, he left the home and picked up the baskets. He located a decent tree which contained his favorite fruit and began assessing the right areas which held the ripest ones. Somewhat climbing the tree, he began pulling off multiple amounts of fruit from the branches. A good portion of them fell onto the grass before he jumped back down onto his feet.

He dropped the portion in his arms into the basket. Bending down, he picked up the ones which fell out of his grip. Shrugging his shoulders on some of the bruising, might as well eat it before it spoiled. Hiroki didn't wrinkle his nose over an imperfect looking fruit.


Hearing Misaki's voice in the distance, Nowaki lifted his head and saw the young man running toward him. Dusting off his hands on his skirt, he turned his attention onto Misaki. "Hello, Misaki-san. How is everything?"

"Hey Nowaki! I'm doing great, nothing to complain about." Misaki slowed down and jogged in place before he stopped. "Kana is engaged!"

"She is?" Nowaki blinked in astonishment. It took a moment before a smile formed on his lips. "That's great! Who's the lucky guy?"

Misaki grinned as well. "This guy named Mako. He proposed to her in front of everyone."


Kana dropped her bundle of clothing onto the ground at Mako's confession, well, his offer for her to move into his new home. When they first started spending time together, she listened to him when he spoke about his project of moving out of his parents' home. He already had plans in keeping up his own home before they arrived on the island and went along with his decision.

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