Chapter 3

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It was a slow shift today, Sally thought as she fought against another yawn.

She looked at the clock, three more hours. With nothing to keep her occupied, her thoughts started to drift, what should we have for dinner, how would rent work out this week, would Percy like the new blue candy that just came out?

The last thought made her pause as she realized her thoughts have once again drifted back to Percy. Sally tried to not let her worries show too much, but when there was nothing else for her to do, the small doubts always creeped up behind her.

Even though Sally knew she would never let Gabe near Percy again, Sally didn't know how to protect Percy anymore. What would she do now?

Ring, the store door jingled, Sally looked up, glad for the distraction. "Hello, welcome to Sweet on America, how can I help you?"

An asian man carrying what looks to be his son glanced up at her. The man looked to be around his mid to late twenties, with short black hair, and stress marks all around his face, especially surrounding his eyes.

Sally recognized them. As a fellow parent, she had very similar lines of her own fatigue.

The man sheepishly grinned, "sorry not here for sweets," he replied in an almost unnoticeable accents, "I was wondering if you knew the directions for," he carefully fumbled out a piece of paper, so he wouldn't disturb the child sleeping on him, "East 104th and 1st, upper Eastside," the man said, panic quickly building up in Sally's stomach, "I hear the apartments there are a bit more on the cheaper side."

Sally's smile froze for a second before returning with an suspicious edge, she regarded the man carefully, what were the chances that this man was an agent send by the Gods to kill her child.

"Looking for a new place?" Sally asked, hoping her voice didn't waver, "no offense, but I hear the area around there isn't the best place for raising children." She ignored the part of her mind yelling that she was a hypocrite.

Tsuyoshi smiled, while groaning on the inside. The place he had just mentioned was one of the few places that were cheap enough, but weren't held under gang influence.

Tsuyoshi had to give credit though, the woman had only momentarily stiffened up before relaxing. However, he didn't survive as long as he did by not noticing these things, nor believing in coincidences.

Tsuyoshi quirked his lips upwards, and crinkled his forming crow's feet, in what he hoped to be a disarming smile.

Sally unknowingly disagreed in Tsuyoshi's belief about his smile.

Its always the nice ones she thought, frowning as her thoughts once again returned to Gabe. He was also nice when she first met him, Sally almost couldn't believe her eyes when he changed so abruptly from who he showed himself as.

Tsuyoshi quickly spoke, hoping to dispel any misunderstandings the woman might of gotten from him, "please don't misunderstand," he stated, "its just, we aren't exactly in the best financial situation, and luck doesn't seem to be on our side," the man looked at his son with a melancholic gaze, "especially with the mother gone."

Tsuyoshi hated the fact he was using the death of the beloved wife to gain sympathy from a civilian, but there was little to no other choice. And there was the fact they are being hunted by his former Oyabun, but Tsuyoshi doesn't want to deal with a terrified civilian calling the police at the moment.

Sally watched him carefully for any signs of deceptions. When she found none, Sally slightly relaxed and formed a sheepish smile, but still kept her guard up. "I'm sorry for my earlier response" Sally saids sincerely, "I just recently discovered something, and it kinda made me a bit paranoid."

And there's the fact Sally recently discovered her ex husband was abusing her son, called the police on said ex husband who is now in jail. And now she constantly fears a monster or a God will come and kill her baby.

Tsuyoshi smiled back, grateful the woman's suspicions were slightly reduced, "no worries" he replies, "I'm sure a bit of paranoia doesn't hurt anybody, in fact it sure helped me a few times" he chuckles in good humor, reminiscing at the memories where his paranoia saved his hide.

Sally let out a small laugh, surprised at how well the conversation was going.

Unknowingly Tsuyoshi was thinking the same.

"Hummgh" a small body groaned. All eyes darted towards the sound coming from the child in Tsuyoshi's arms.

The two parent's eyes softened at the small child rubbing the sleep off his eyes.

"Two years?" Tsuyoshi looked up with a questioning glance, Sally blushed, "is he two years old, I mean? He looks to be about two or maybe three."

Sally watched as the man fondly stroked the child's head, "just turned three this year" Tsuyoshi answered, making sure Takeshi was comfortable in his arms.

Sally cleared her throat, making Tsuyoshi look up from his son, "sorry about the misunderstand earlier" Sally apologized, "you can never be too careful you know."

Tsuyoshi knew one could never be too careful very well, especially with his family in danger.

Sally looked at the duo, she was sure the man couldn't be lying about his son, nor their situation.
The love he had for his child was unmistakable, and their worries seemed to parallel her own problems so well.

A single parent caring for their child, with no one else to turn to.

Sally opened her mouth, "to reach the place you mentioned, take a left turn and a right. You'll see a cross section on your left. Go towards the buildings with the graffiti on them" she explained. "I hope you make it there soon," she smiled than added "and good luck with the little one."

Tsuyoshi wanted to cry with relief, Kurokawa was able to do many things, being able to write descriptive directions weren't one of them.

Sally checked the clock, two hours and thirty minutes until her shift ends. "If you don't mind waiting couple hours, I can walk you guys to the area you mentioned, I'm pretty familiar with the area" she offered.

Tsuyoshi wanted to accept but shook his head, "no, I couldn't take any more of your time, I think we'll be fine, thank you for your help."

"We'll, if you're sure," Sally answered.

Tsuyoshi smiled, "we're sure, again, thank you." The man slightly bowed, then started to leave.

Sally watched the man leave, than remember she never asked for the man's name nor did he every ask about her name.

Sally looked up to ask for the man's name, but when she did, the man and his child appeared to have already left the store.

"Strange," Sally muttered while looking through the store window.

Sally looked around, checking to see if the store was empty before yawning and placing her elbow on the counter. She rested her head on the palm of her hand and blinked lazily, I wonder if I'll see the man on my way home?

Sally hid the second yawn with her hand, who knows?

(A/N thanks for reading! Feel free to comment on what you think (but please no negative comments, however, I will take constructive criticism) hope you have a beautiful day). Also HUGE shout out to my friend, who was willing to edit this chapter, this fic wouldn't be as good as it if without the help given)

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