In a way, the airplane landing in the ocean made him open his heart to this new experience. He didn't have to worry about studying for school, working his list of part time jobs to make ends meet at his small rental and this was a new beginning. Even if he was never found, at least he had a new place to call home with other people.

He just had to learn the language so he could start talking to people.

Opening his eyes, Nowaki stared around the surrounding area. The atmosphere from when he woke up tied up and where he was now standing was vastly different. Before he was scared and stressed, now he was relaxed.

Nowaki saw a familiar long brown haired man a good distance away from where he stood. There were a few other men carrying some items which were wrapped with fur and Hiroki was walking right behind them. His usual loincloth was ditched for a long skirt which reached down to his knees and his hair was let go of the band which held it together the last time he saw him.

"Hiroki-san!" Nowaki waved at him from his far away distance, this caught the attention of the group of men who nudged Hiroki's shoulder.

Hiroki turned to stare at him, his brow arched, his hands were full to the brink with items. He recognized Nowaki when he saw his bright blue eyes, no one else on this island had eyes like those. His stature was different from all of the other people as well, the man was an easily spotted target for anyone that would try looking for him.

Hiroki didn't know if it was something important, but he did tell the newcomers to ask them questions if they needed anything. His mother must not have waken up yet or she was somewhere else on the island that none of them saw her. He knew for sure they were not going to ask his father, the terrifying face which judged them yesterday were not going to want to talk to him anytime soon.

Not that he blamed them.

His father intimidated plenty of the people in the tribe, but he was sure it was now out of respect at this point.

He told his group. "Go on without me and make sure to give the weapons directly to Aki, then come back with the herbs needed for the shaman's medicine."

They all nodded his heads as they walked away, and Hiroki jumped down from the small hill onto the ground. His feet managed to miss the thick roots which were spread on the ground and his basket was still tied around his shoulders. Nowaki tried not to wince since a jump from that distance hurt the feet if someone was barefoot, especially if the person landed on the roots.

Hiroki walked directly to Nowaki and asked him. "Is anything wrong?"

Nowaki shook his head when he smiled. "Nothing is wrong, I just wanted to say good morning."

"That's it?" Hiroki inquired.

"Having a conversation is nothing bad, Hiroki-san." Nowaki said as it dawned on him that maybe Hiroki was busy, and he might have intruded on him. "Were you going somewhere?"

Hiroki nodded his head, explaining everything, he held the strap of his basket. "I was told to send some new weapons to the tribe on the other side of the island actually."

Realization came to Nowaki when he asked. "I interrupted your errand, didn't I?"

"Not really, the group I was going with can handle themselves on their own. Though, Aki might be annoyed that I didn't meet him. He might try to keep what we need on purpose just to annoy them since I didn't go."

"Aki?" Nowaki grew curious at the Japanese sounding name.

"My friend." Hiroki told him. "I was told some Japanese names my mother told me, and I named him Aki because his name just didn't suit him in my opinion." Nowaki opened his mouth. "You are going to have to ask him when you meet him, don't ask me." Nowaki closed his mouth with a pout.

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