Chapter 15 : Fear of drowning

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Draco's POV :

I walked through the crowded halls of the castle, silently making my way past other students. The corridor was filled with twice as many students as usual. Probably because this corridor was the quickest route to the black lake. I had no clue on why the Black lake was being involved with second task.

"Hey Draco!", I heard Blaise call from behind. I looked over my shoulder and saw Blaise struggling to catch up with me, through the crowded space. Once he finally caught up he said, "I heard Potter and Weasley talking about the second task earlier".

"Oh really ? What did they say ?".

"Something about hidden treasures in the Black lake".

I chuckled slightly, "I hope bloody Potter drowns in that stupid lake".

Y/n's POV :

"Miss l/n. May I borrow you for a second ?", Professor Mcgonagall interrupted.

Everyone in the classroom, had their eyes on me, wondering what I had done wrong. I got up from my seat, picking up my things, following Professor McGonagall out of class. "Have I done something wrong Professor ?," I asked worriedly, breaking the silence. McGonagall smiled slightly, "no not at all, Miss L/n".

We continued walking through the empty halls of Hogwarts, all the way to McGonagall's office. Professor McGonagall opened the large wooden oak door and led me inside. Once I stepped inside I saw three other students.

Hermione Granger.

Cho Chang.

And Gabrielle Delacour.

McGonagall cleared her throat and began talking. "You four students have been selected as the Triwizard Champions' hidden treasures for the second task. Once you have drank the sedative potion, that were about to give you, you will be hidden underneath the Black Lake, to be found. And no ladies this is not a choice".

I looked around McGonagall's office furiously. There is no fucking way that I'm being Harry Potter's stupid hidden treasure. The Champions get an hour to find their treasure and when Harry spots Hermione and I, he'll go straight for Hermione, even though he is obsessed over me.

Ever since year 2, Harry had had a crush on me, and he didn't try to hide it. His feelings for me, were displayed right in the open, the whole school knows about it. No one in Hogwarts doesn't know about Harry's major crush on me. I even caught Professor Dumbledore and McGonagall talking about Harry and I.

~Time Skip~ (to the next day)

Draco's POV :

"Have you seen y/n anywhere ?", I asked Blaise and Daphne, mainly Daphne though.

They both shook their heads.

"I assumed she spent the night with you," Daphne said.

My eyes widened realising something, "did she not come back to her dorm last night ?".

Daphne shook her head once again.

After that, we all decided to go look for y/n.

We checked the Slytherin common room, the courtyard, the Great Hall, the Quidditch pitch, everywhere. But we couldn't find her. She was nowhere to be found. That's when an idea popped into my head, y/n has family at Hogwarts. I know, y/n's older brother, Theo, and I weren't exactly one the same page right now, but we had to try something.

I knocked on Theo's dorm door and waited. In a matter of seconds the door unlocked and Theo stood in the doorway. When Theo saw us he immediately tried to slam the door shut, but I stopped it with my foot. Someone clearly didn't want to see us. Or maybe he just didn't want to see me.

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