Chapter 7 : Overprotective Brother

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Y/n's POV :

Once I left my dorm, I heard the rumours Daphne was talking about.

Students from all houses and all ages, looked at me then started whispering something about me.

I walked into the Great Hall ready for breakfast this morning but then decided not to, realising I would have to talk to Theo.

Leaving the castle, I walked out to the courtyard and sat underneath a big oak tree. Butterflies flew around the oak tree landing on the green leaves. The delightful scent of flowers pricked at my nose.

I smiled.

It was so calming, just to be alone silently.

Well I was calm for a little bit.


I rolled my eyes, "what do you want Theo?".

Theo stormed up to me, with the twins and Bree trailing close behind him.

"Did you kiss Malfoy !?".

I stood up. "Why Theo", I avoided his question.

"It's a yes or no question Y/n!", Theo growled.

Students began listening in on our argument, watching the scene play out like it was on a reality tv show.

(A/N : Y/n and Theo can also speak fluent French, because their mother is French. So when their having a serious conversation they sometimes speak in French so others don't eavesdrop. I'll put the translation of French is brackets.)

"C'est important Théo?", (Does it matter Theo?), I said.

"oui c'est important ! Y/n ! As-tu embrassé Malfoy ?", (Yes it's important ! Y/n! did you kiss Malfoy ?), Theo asked me again but more angrily.

"Bien ! Nous nous sommes embrassés ! Mais alors quoi?", (Fine! We did kiss! But so what), I lied hoping he'd drop it.

But it just made him angrier.

"Tu l'as laissé te toucher !", (You let him touch you!).

I literally felt like ripping out all of my hair, "Laisse tomber Théo ! Ce n'est pas ton affaire!", (Just drop it Theo ! It's none of your business !).

Bree and the twins finally caught up to Theo, watching us worried.

" Tu es ma petite soeur, putain de merde ! Bien sûr c'est mon affaire !", (Your my little sister, for fuck sake ! Of course it's my business !) Theo replied.

I hate it when Theo says it his business because I'm his sister.

"J'ai ma propre vie Théo ! tu ne me vois pas te dire quoi faire dans ta relation avec Bree !", (I have my own life Theo! you don't see me telling you what to do in your relationship with Bree!) I responded, down with his shit.

Theo thought about his next words carefully. "Non, mais Malfoy va te faire du mal !", (No, but Malfoy will hurt you !) Theo said.

"Tais-toi et laisse-moi tranquille, Théo !", (Just shut up and leave me alone, Theo !), I said trying to end the conversation.

But Theo thought different. "Non, je ne resterai pas là et regarderai le cœur de ma petite sœur se briser !", (No I will not stand by and watch my little sisters heart be broken).

I was going to tell Theo he shouldn't have to worry about me, but something in the distance behind me caught his attention.

I turned around and saw Draco and Blaise walking together.

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