She lowered her head and drank the soup in silence. After finishing the bowl, she raised her face, her eyes were already flushed.

    This scene irritated the fans on the Internet even more, and they began to clamor, "Sang Qingmo, for Gu Yuebo, hates Hu Moli indiscriminately!" During the

    live broadcast, the three people's undercurrents were posted on Weibo, and several hot searches appeared strip.

    The marketing account has topics, and always picks the most controversial words.

    #白富美胡波莉 alludes to Gu Yuebo’s rural birth but was brought into the group by Sang Qingmo’s retaliation#

    , which inevitably brought out Gu Yuebo’s birth and attracted more people’s heated discussions.

    Gu Yuebo, a rural man, was talking on the Internet, and Su Qing, who was reading the news online, almost choked her heart.

    "Little heartless, go out and wander around, and really don't say a word about home, hmph."

    Su Qing was fully dressed and was about to go out, Gu Tingye came back from the outside, "Where are you going?"

    "Hmph, find someone to settle the score."

    As she said that, Su Qing aggressively took her bodyguards, boarded her private plane on the tarmac, and flew to Yandao.

    After lunch, everyone went back to their tents to rest.

    The sound of the waves outside can be heard endlessly, and the weather on this island is treacherous. The heat was unbearable one second, and the temperature suddenly dropped the next second.

    Tired enough in the morning, everyone slept in the tent for two or three hours before slowly climbing out.

    As soon as they came out, the icy sea breeze blew on their bodies, and everyone shook their goosebumps and cried, "What the hell is the weather?"

    Complaints are complaints, and the task still needs to be done.

    Still the same as in the morning, each of them formed a team and went separately to find ingredients.

    Sang Qingmo was still in the same group as Gu Yuebo, and the two walked into the woods.

    Hu Moli, who was left behind at the end, hurriedly followed in Brother Wei's footsteps.

    With the previous experience of finding ingredients, Gu Yuebo is already familiar with the terrain here, and within a short time, he picked a lot of wild vegetables and fruits.

    Another rabbit was caught, and Sang Qingmo wanted to hug it for a while before killing it, so Gu Yuebo didn't do it, and asked her to rua for a while.

    At this time, Gu Yuebo saw a dark cloud drifting towards the sky, and it was getting bigger and bigger, so he couldn't help frowning.

    "What's the matter?"

    "It seems to be raining..." Gu Yuebo's tone was a little low, "Look, she doesn't look young."

    "Ah? Is there any problem?" Sang Qingmo was puzzled.

    "The terrain here is low. If the rain gets heavier, we may be flooded. If we can't escape, our lives will be in danger..."

    "Ah?" Sang Qingmo looked confused, natural disasters or something, Doesn't it only appear in news reports?

    She never thought she would go through it.

    But seeing Gu Yuebo's serious face, Sang Qingmo was immediately frightened.

She became popular all over the Internet after she was dressed as a squeamishWhere stories live. Discover now