Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

    ◎Hand tearing watermelon ◎

    The reason why Tang Wanwan participated in this variety show was because she was photographed going to a bar to dance and smoke some time ago. The company helped her forcefully suppress it, but she still lost a large group of fans.

    The image was damaged, and the liquidity of fans suddenly increased, rising and falling every day, and related topics have been discussed in the fan group.

    She came to participate in this slow variety show for the sake of solid fans. You must know that she was very reluctant to come because of her character of being afraid of suffering, but for the sake of solid fans, she had no choice but to participate.

    She knows what her fans love most about her, so she created the image of a group favorite little princess in the team, and pulled back those "mother fans" who were on the verge of losing fans. The fans are almost stable, so She can't give up on such a good opportunity to increase fans now.

    Tang Wanwan's eyes darkened, she raised her footsteps, and then walked over.


    Gu Yuebo checked the current quota, which is 159005, which is more than 840,000 away from the target.

    She is quite satisfied with this amount, but she still hasn't figured out the rules, what actions can trigger the fine calculation.

    The act of throwing the watermelon just now was not done at all, it could even be said to be rough, but it turned out to be higher, and the watermelon was moved just now, and it also increased a little, which completely confused her.

    However, after several broadcasts, she found that when the trigger was activated, it would only respond to those who saw her on the spot, and the audience watching the live broadcast would not be generated.

    Gu Yuebo was still thinking about it, but the guests were frowning. This time, the task given by the program team was to freshly squeeze out 500 cups of watermelon juice, and let the program team sell it in nearby stores.

    Everyone is a big star who doesn't touch the spring water. They have been busy for a long time. In fact, they only cut 10 watermelons and squeezed 100 cups. There are 30 minutes before the mission time. Everyone knows that this task is impossible.

    Who made these watermelons thick and bulky, very difficult to cut.

    Hey -

    everyone is downcast.     Tang Wanwan

    approached and comforted her in a low voice, "Brother Chen Hao, don't worry, can you try a few more knives?"

Hands are shaking slightly.

    Bai Siyuan, who was cutting watermelon with him next to him, was also doing the same thing. It was too difficult... His hands were sore, his back hurt, and his whole body was uncomfortable.

    Tang Wanwan bit her lower lip, "Why don't you just forget about it, anyway, the failure of the mission is just a lack of food, it doesn't matter if I'm hungry, there are still steamed buns left for breakfast, I'll give them all to you.

    " Suddenly a little irritable, who asked you to give me steamed buns! I want to eat meat, okay?

    "With me here, the mission is impossible to fail! I have been very strong since I was a child, and I usually exercise hard. These are not difficult for me, just watch me!"

    Time passed bit by bit, and Xue Chenhao was still fighting with the big watermelon. anxious.

    It's been a long time, but a piece of skin hasn't been cut.

She became popular all over the Internet after she was dressed as a squeamishWhere stories live. Discover now