Chapter 1

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Chapter 1◎The Power of Zombie◎

    "Gu Yuebo get out of the entertainment industry!" "Spamster, Porcelain

    Monster, go to hell!"


    Gu Yuebo struggled to open his eyes consciously, and there were lights flying from all directions, and the wind was blowing the leaves. There was a rustling sound, the tip of her nose rushed into the smelling fresh air, and the gentle and comfortable sunshine instantly enveloped her body.

    All this, quiet, peaceful.

    In the next second, her pupils shrank suddenly.

    In the last days, how could there be such an environment?

    Gu Yuebo regained consciousness all of a sudden, and immediately after, angry insults flooded over.

    From four directions, front, back, left, and right, five bright red unidentified objects slammed through the air at the female star who had just left the gate of the community.

    "Yuebo!" There was an exclamation in his ear, and it was too late for the manager, Sister An, to stop her.

    Suddenly, it seemed as if the speed had been slowed down at this moment. Gu Yuebo, who had a decadent face and empty eyes, was shocked suddenly, and her limbs swiped in place, and everyone didn't see her movements clearly.

    When the scene was all quiet, the breeze brushed over the girl's pale and fragile face, and her hair fluttered in the wind.

    But at this moment, everyone's eyes widened.

    I saw that the female star standing in the center of the crowd had firmly caught two tomatoes with both hands, and at the same time, she also pinched two precisely under her armpits. five tomatoes.

    Her aura seemed to have dissipated, and her eyes were even more like a knife that had just been sharpened. A sharp dark light flashed across her body, which made the black fans present couldn't help but flinch.

    what happened? !

    How did she take it?

    The black fan froze in place, and no one spoke for a while.

    It was quiet all around.

    A sweet and sour taste stimulated the taste buds on the tip of her tongue, and Gu Yuebo felt hunger, which was a signal from her soul. Her vigilant nerves sensed that there was no danger around her, so she obeyed her instinct and started eating big mouthfuls.

    The bright tomato juice slid down from the corner of her bright red mouth along the skin of her fair and delicate arms.

    The movements are not good-looking, but they have a kind of extreme beauty that stimulates the eyes.

    The onlookers were stunned for a moment.

    She ate very quickly, as if she was very hungry, and within a few strokes, she ate all five big tomatoes!

    Black powder:? ? ?

    Fuck, why is this completely different from the expected situation, shouldn't Gu Yuebo be beaten to the point of crying, and then get out of the entertainment circle?

    Why didn't she get hit, but instead ate all their props? !

    The girl with an unusually delicate appearance licked her mouth, still wanting more, "Excuse me, is there any more?" The

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