Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

    ◎Pretend to be the king◎

    After everyone arrived, everyone got on the sponsor's car and bumped all the way to the foot of the orchard mountain.

    The director shouted through the loudspeaker, "Guests, please pay attention. After climbing up the mountain, everyone will randomly draw task cards, and complete this picking according to the number on the task cards before six o'clock in the evening. This is a team competition. Anyone who exceeds Time is considered as a total failure."

    After the order was given, Xue Chenhao, who has always been victorious, was the first to charge up, throwing everyone far away at once.

    Bai Siyuan, who was messing around with him from behind, also chased after him, and the two teenagers played a chase.

    The older Zhao Yu smiled helplessly and followed closely behind.

    Tang Wanwan took Yu Zicheng's arm, "Chengzi, we are girls, there's no need to rush, let them go first."

    Her little heels were a little unsteady on the steps, so it took some effort to get up.

    Gu Yuebo followed behind them, slowly admiring the beauty of the village.

    "Chengzi, my feet hurt so much, can you lend me your shoes?" Tang Wanwan finally made the request after persisting for half the distance.

    Yu Zicheng glanced at her feet, "My size is bigger than yours, my shoes probably won't fit you well."

    Tang Wanwan's eyes flickered, and the corners of her mouth curled up, she was just waiting for this sentence.

    Suddenly, Tang Wanwan turned around and said to Gu Yuebo who was behind, "Sister Bobo, can you lend me your shoes? I think we are about the same height, and our feet are about the same size..."

    As soon as Yu Zicheng said this, Yu Zicheng also Can't help but look up.

    The beautiful female celebrity stopped, raised her head, and stared straight at Tang Wanwan with her sharp gaze. There seemed to be nowhere to hide Tang Wanwan's hidden tricks.

    The surroundings suddenly quieted down, and even the netizens faintly sensed that swords were on the verge of breaking out.

    She clasped her palms tightly, pursed her lips in front of the camera and asked in a low voice, "Can't we? We are a team. If we don't complete the task before six o'clock, then all of us will be judged to have failed the task..."

    "Sister Bobo , you don’t want us all to fail, do you?”

    “So, can you lend me your shoes so that we can go up earlier, after all, you don’t want to be delayed, do you?” The

    girl softened her voice, her expression was pitiful, this There were traps in every word, as if Gu Yuebo had made a huge mistake not to borrow his shoes.

    Overtly and covertly kidnapping morality, but picked himself clean.

    Gu Yuebo has often encountered such white lotus flowers in the last days.

    Immediately sneered, she stepped on the high steps with one foot, her upper body was pressed down, she was in a low position, but her aura was wide open, and she said cynically,

    "Hold your feet? So you also know how to slow your feet?"

    "Mountain climbing is a sport. , even people with no brains will not wear high heels..."

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