Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

    ◎Kung Fu Girl◎

    The closer to noon, the hotter the weather.

    The parasols provided by the program group gradually lost their function. The incandescent light came in, and the umbrellas had already become bright.

    The guests who were busy cutting watermelon and squeezing the juice wiped the sweat from their foreheads from time to time.


    Zhao Yu, whose black vest was soaked in sweat, bulged his arms and muscles, and suddenly propped up the cart full of watermelons. The heavy watermelons were huge, and twenty or thirty of them took up all the space in the cart. Location.

    Zhao Yu yelled a slogan in his mouth before pulling the cart up, and the wheels rolled on the dirt and gravel road, making a creaking sound.

    The cart was pulled all the way from Tian'an to the bottom of the shed.

    "The car is here, Brother Zhao has worked hard..."

    "Drink a glass of water, Brother Zhao."

    "Brother Zhao has worked hard for moving so many watermelons!"

    Everyone handed water to each other, and handed towels to towels.

    Tang Wanwan also raised a small face and boasted in the way of blowing rainbow farts, "Brother Zhao is great! It's really hard work!"

    "This is what a team should look like!"

    "It's a pity that there is an extra Gu Yuebo, It’s really an eyesore .”

    “The theme of this episode is cooperation, doesn’t Gu Yuebo read the mission card? Why haven’t you made any moves yet?”

    Fans of the program couldn’t help complaining when they saw Gu Yuebo. A batch of new accounts.

    "Wow! Gu Yuebo is really on a variety show. It really is useful to have a hot physique. I have increased a wave of resources by the way."

    "She looks so good today, and this makeup makes me poke me!"

    "I just like watching pretty girls~ "

    "Beautiful sister post post~"

    Fans of the show rolled their eyes, and it turns out that those who like vases are all brainless fans.

    Just as he was about to fight back, another batch of accounts with the title "Has Gu Yuebo retired from the circle today" flooded into the barrage.

    Fans of the show paused for a moment and understood immediately.

    This is black powder coming.

    "Wow? Gu Yuebo is really on a variety show? She's just a fool, where did she get the resources! Fuck!

    " God damn annoying!"

    "How many times have I said that Gu Yuebo is just a vase, with no acting skills, no artistic ability, nothing but acting, such a person is not worthy of staying in the entertainment circle!"

    "Look, she has With a high salary, she just lies on the side and enjoys it, and even eats the watermelon for the task. The attitude is too bad! Everyone is moving the watermelon to do the task, but she is lying on the chair delicately, oh no, she is too weak to do it. , so she only expects others to do it for her, just a dodder flower, really annoying this kind of person."

She became popular all over the Internet after she was dressed as a squeamishOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant