"Excuse me if I'm prying, but the you I have in front of me right now is not the same man that talked for almost two hours in the amphi-theatre. Why is that?"

He considers me for long seconds that seem to turn into minutes. I hold his gaze. I don't know if I have disrespected him, but it's what I have noticed.

"You are very observative." He finally hints a shadow of a smirk and relaxes by leaning back on the back of his chair. "Yes, Logan Kent is a brand I have created for myself. I'm not always as confident and charismatic as I am in public. I usually hold my persona, but I guess that the jet lag is biting me in the ass."

"If you are too tired, we could correspond by email. I wouldn't want to trouble you."

"You are not. I'm intrigued. And I need a beer." He lets out and straightens himself when Marcel comes back with our ales. He puts our glass in front of each of us. I thank him silently and invite him to sit next to me. "Thanks, next round's on me. Now, I believe Madame Prinston has sent you quite the task. How did you meet?"

"I met Shelley at the announcement of Edinburgh's book fair in Edinburgh. I was there to promote my book."

"Your book?"

"Yes, Marcel published my story for Wright Books last spring. I met Shelley through Edith Wright."

"You know Edith Wright as well?"

"I do, it's his mother."

Logan brings his attention to Marcel. He squints a little, trying to read my boyfriend who stays unfathomable. It brings a smile to my lips. Here's my Marcel.

"You're well connected. Shelley didn't mention anything about meeting another writer. She just said she had a correspondent in the UK."

"I am. I work for her as a freelancer. She tells me what events she wants me to cover and I write articles for her when she can't come herself."

"Do you like it?"

"I do. She sends me to museum exhibitions and cultural events. It reminded me why I fell in love with Art in the first place."

"And why did you?" He asks as he takes a sip of his ale. It takes me by surprise that he asks so many questions about myself when I'm here to inquire about him.

"I'm sorry?"

"What made you fall in love with Art?"

I considered his question for a long moment. I don't know if I should open up about something so personal to a stranger. Maybe he is as curious as me. Maybe that's how Marcel felt every time I used to question him about everything and anything.

"My grandmother. I learned to draw while watching her. She showed me how to capture the essence of somebody and translate it on a sheet of paper. For the longest time, I wanted to work in a museum and restore old paintings or sculptures."

"Why don't you?"

"I got sidetracked. Marcel wanted to publish my story, and we did. And now, we are on a book tour."

"Are you really?"

"Yeah. We drove down to London for a few days, but we're heading to Newcastle tomorrow."

"But is it still what you want to do? Work in a museum?" Logan asks, and it takes me aback.

It makes me reflect and think about myself and my desires. I doubt his intentions for a second. He is asking very personal questions. But the way he is looking at me, and all the attention he is giving me, I don't think he has ulterior motives.

FLYING  |  Sequel of FALLEN (NaNoWriMo 2022 WINNER)Where stories live. Discover now