The Final Wreck-ening

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the next morning, this time in the spa hotel control room. Zoey is sitting in the chair up to the dashboard, re-watching the Mal clips again; including sabotaging the boat race, and sabotaging the votes; Zoey just looks on seriously

Zoey confessional: Mike's been Mal longer than I thought, but that doesn't mean that Mike's not in there, right?

Mal confessional: She knows I'm not Mike but still brought me to the finale? Oh, her devotion to Mike is touching. *snickers* And with Mike trapped in my subconscious that million dollars is mine! *evil laughter*


the camera zooms into Mal's brain again. This time we cut directly to the evil tower, the top is shown much clearer now, it looks like Mal's head with his one eye glowing purple. Mike and all the good personalities walk right up to the door, which has a picture of Mal's face and five bodies on it; Chester is still riding piggy-back on Mike's back

Manitoba: here we are, welcome to the tower of Mal!

Vito: uh, why ain't it guarded by bouncers, or dogs, or an ugly cat or something?

Mike: Mal just figured we'd never get this far.

Mike notices the picture

Mike: huh, check it out! This door's got five people on it... five of us! This MUST be the right way!

He grabs onto the door handle

Mike: come on let's get...

Mike tugs on the door, but it falls backwards on top of all five of them

Chester: I knew it was too easy!

The door flies upwards as the personalities try and push it off

Mike: come on! Just a little....

The door falls back on top of them

Mike: this can't be how it ends! Was everyone pushing their hardest?!

The other personalities, except Chester, mutter in confirmation

Mike: ...Chesteeer?!

Chester: what? I got noodles for arms, just like the rest of us!!!

Mike: On three! Everyone. One, two.

The door shoots back up again

All five: THREE!!!

The door falls forwards, out of the way, and the personalities head inside the tower; Vito carries Chester inside. Inside the tower is nothing but a spiral staircase

Mike: yes! Nothing can stop us!

His words echo. they all look up and see just how high the tower really is, the staircase leading all the way to the top. Mike just groans


Chris loudspeaker: Good morning, finalists! Meet me in the forest clearing, and get ready to diet! ...Sorry, typo. Get ready to die!

Zoey was walking through the woods. Zoey looks at Mal as he follows her from behind

Mal: morning, Zoey! Uh, ooh, thanks again for bringing me to the finale. I know things have been...

Zoey: I didn't do it for YOU, I did it for Gwen and MIKE! you can drop the act now, MAL!

Mal smiles and shakes his head, his hair flipping down; he speaks like his normal self from now on

Mal: ooh, what a relief! Pretending to be that boring was REALLY getting to me. What'd you see in him?

Zoey: I'll take boring Mike over evil Mal any day!

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