heroes vs villains

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Chris: welcome to total drama all stars. After my involuntary year long "vacation". I really need to be in a familiar environment. Surrounded by the people I love to hurt *chuckles* it's a condition of my parole. Except for the hurt part. Yeah, that's all Mclean. So i'm bringing back 15 TD all-stars to battle it out in the most dangerous death defying one million dollar competition ever! 

the robot holds up the open case, where the wind blows a few bills away. Chris then addresses an incoming helicopter

Chris: and here they are now! From Revenge of the Island, Say hello to... 

The door to the chopper reveals an apprehensive looking Mike

Chris: Multiple Mike!

A hand shoves Mike off the chopper

Chris: AKA, Chester,

Mike gasps, switching personalities

Chris: –Svetlana

he gasps, switching personalities again

Chris: Vito,

His hair slicks back and his eyes narrow

Chris: and Manitoba

Mike seemingly reverts to normal, though Manitoba's scream of "Crikey!" gives him away. He splashes into the water

Chris: Mike's crush, pushover turned powerhouse, Zoey!

Zoey: *gasps* Mike! 

she then dives in the water

Chris: Athletic non-supporter, Lightning!

Lightning: You call that a dive? Watch this! *prepares to dive* Sha-ugh!

he gets booted off by Chef's foot

Chris: Bubble-Boy brainiac, Cameron! 

Chef holds Cameron by his hoodie

Cameron: This is highly illogical!

Chef tosses Cameron out the door

Chris: Gregarious mutant lover gamer, Sam!

Sam: Not cool!

Chris: Challenge throwing dirt farmer, Scott! 

Scott  holds to Chef's leg until Chef throws him out. Chef walks back and grabs Jo. Jo resists Chef shoving her out, and shoves him back

Bossy bruiser, Jo, who dominated until her underling turned on her

Jo: You're a dead man, McLean!

Chef body-slams her off the copter

Chris: *chuckles* And now, from our original cast... Cranky know-it-all CIT, Courtney!

Chef walks out, carrying Courtney by the ankle

Courtney: This is not in my contract!

Chef glares and drops Courtney

Chris: Courtney's bestie turned boyfriend stealer, Gwen!

Chef carries Gwen over his shoulders, tosses her down too

Gwen: *free-falling* He wasn't her boyfriend at the tiiime!

Chris: Broody bad boy, Duncan!

Duncan: *free-falling, not even looking like he cares* Bring it on!

Chris: logical local, (y/n)!

(y/n): *free falling* why am I here again!

Chris: Devious Diva, Heather!

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