food fight

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Duncan walked into a room and it was pitch black. The room lights up, revealing a huge party with confetti and a cake that was being held by the butler

hamsters: Welcome to the hero team, Duncan!

They put and party hat and party blower on him

Duncan confessional: Ugh, to all my peeps back home and at juvie, I am not a hero! *groans* It must be a trap to gain my trust and Bam! They vote me off. Fat chance of that, but I can't let them know that I know, so yeah, I ate the cake! It was like eating the happiest day of my life! *sniffles*

Sierra: Duncan on team hero. The fans will lose it I have to get a photo for my blog

Sam: let's sing the welcome song

Duncan: how about let's not do that

Sierra then comes back screaming with her phone in pieces.

Sierra: my social media machine is in pieces! hello! hello! hello!

Mike confessional: did I break her phone?

A flashback reveals that Mal, is the culprit.

(y/n): it's okay Sierra

Sierra: it's not okay! it's no-kay! it had my top 500 Cody pics on it

just picture him in your mind them

he then pictures us with Cody's head

Sierra: okay Cody's

(y/n): this is all your fault

Chris intercom: okay! now that the weather's cleared up, get your waterlogged butts to the beach for today's beat down! I mean, challenge!


Chris: welcome, contestants! before we get started, let's bring back last night's exile, Cameron!

Chef then dropped him from the helicopter, landing hard on the floor

Chris: A, how are you still alive after a night on boney island? and B, why do you smell so rank?

Cameron: simple between seasons I read up on wilderness survival tips. If you douse yourself in the... scent, of the most vicious animal in the forest, then all the other animals will give you the upmost respect

Duncan: not all creatures

Sierra confessional:*sighs* That's just what my Codykins would do! I'm gonna twert it. *giggles* Thankfully, I smuggled in some tape for emergency repairs.

Chris: anyways. It's challenge time! chef didn't have time to cook team losers breakfast because he was busy making these pancakes!

he moved to reveal two giant stacks of pancakes covered in syrup

Chris: it's eating challenge time! each team member gets one minute to scarf up as much pancake goodness as they can. When a heroes eating time is up, they'll hear this

a speaker played an angles note

Chris: and the villains get this

the speaker played a vulture scream

Chris: then you just have to race through a nausea inducing obstacle course. 

Sam: *gulp* obstacle course?

Chris: It's a nod to the mad skills course from last season. First you have to get past the bouncy butts. Then the retching rolling pins. And finally swift kick from the grape crusher gets you back in line

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