I quickly gathered the supplies I used, retreating back to the bathroom and feeling his eyes on me the whole time. I threw away the bloody cotton balls, put away the peroxide, and washed out the bloody rag before sighing.

The pain in my chest had subsided, but I was still short of breath. I shook my head, washed my hands, and pulled myself back together before walking back into my room.

Tim was now stretched out on my bed, his eyes closed and his hands behind his head, creating a makeshift pillow even though I had one. I gulped, trying not to look at him.

"Why did you come here and not go right to your gang?" I asked curiously, leaning on the door frame of the bathroom.

"You were closer." He said, not bothering to open his eyes. "And I had to stop by here anyway." Now he opened his eyes, tilting his head to look at me.

"Why?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Tim groaned, digging something from his jeans pocket before dangling it in the air. My necklace. I walked forward and snatched it.

"I figured Angela would have sold it." I sighed.

"You knew," Tim asked, sitting up.

"Once I got home, yeah," I said quietly, looking down at the necklace in my hand.

"Oh," He said quietly, then looked at me like he was trying to decide something. "Come here."

I looked at him suspiciously, but for some reason still sat on the bed in front of him. He took the necklace from my hand, moving my hair to the side as he put the jewelry on my neck.

Then he gently pulled the hair tie from my damp hair, brushing it out with his fingers. I gulped, realizing I was breathing heavily again.

"My sister was right," Tim whispered, his warm breath tickling my ear as he pulled me close to his body. "You really do have pretty hair."

I glance over my shoulder, coming face-to-face with his dark smoldering eyes. They were hypnotizing. Two pits of endless sapphire blue that could swallow stars. The smell of peroxide and cigarettes burned my lungs. Everything about this boy was intoxicating, he was like a drug.

My body felt red-hot. I could feel the tounges of fire licking at my skin as he pressed my back into his chest. I couldn't catch my breath, I couldn't do anything but close my eyes and look forward. How could this boy have this type of control over me? I wondered as his hand snaked around my waist, resting on my stomach for a moment before dancing up my body. What was he doing to me? I thought as his fingers briefly wrapped around my throat.

Tim tilted my head back, pushing my hair over my shoulder. He pressed a searing hot kiss on my shoulder, moving my shirt out of the way to do it.

I jumped up like I just got burned and in a way, I did. Everything in me was screaming not to go along with his games. That was exactly what they were too, games. He was playing this so he could get everything he wanted. He probably did this with every girl he came across.

"H-how long are you planning on staying here?" I breathed, knowing full well, my cheeks were burning red.

"Just for the night." He said, looking at me intensely. I didn't meet his gaze, instead looking off to the side as I sighed.


I heard Tim move in bed and the comforters rustle. Talk about making yourself comfortable.

After about a minute he spoke up, "Are you coming to bed or what?"

I was too nervous to say anything, so instead, I just clambered into bed beside him, my back facing him as I clicked off my lamp. I pushed myself to the edge of the mattress, putting as much distance between myself and him as possible. How did I get myself into this?

I closed my eyes, knowing I still wouldn't get any sleep. Tim shifted beside me, and in a second, the comforter was pulled up to my shoulders.

"If your cold then just say so." He whispered. I hadn't even realized I was shivering. A few minutes ago, I felt like I was on fire, and now I felt like a block of ice. I couldn't help but think back to what he said about never being cold. That really must have been nice.

"Thank you..."

"Don't mention it." He said gruffly, throwing an arm around me. I flinched, making him lightly chuckle in amusement. "You're a nervous little soc aren't you?" He teased. I couldn't argue, I was and he knew it. My response, or lack thereof, made him chuckle again as he tightened his arm around me. "Don't worry. I won't hurt you."

I couldn't help but glance over at him. His eyes were closed and he had a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips that he was trying to hide. But he looked oddly peaceful as if there was nothing that could trouble him in his half-asleep state.

I didn't know how old he was, he couldn't be any older than me, but right now, he looked younger. I could just see his crooked nose and scar in the darkness before his glowing sapphire eyes opened.

"Dreaming about me, little soc?" He smirked. I looked forward again, thankful for the darkness hiding my blushing face. Tim chuckled, pulling me into him. I gasped at the sudden movement. He shushed me, resting his hand on my hip as he whispered, "Be quiet, wouldn't wanna wake up your mother and sister, right?"

I glared at him. Suddenly his hand glided down my thigh, making me squirm.

"Easy." I could practically hear the smile in his voice. I bit my lip as he started slowly, teasingly, moving his hand up and down my thigh. He was testing my limits, trying to tick me off, and it was working as he began to rub me through the fabric of my sweats.

My breathing hitched, and I froze. "S-stop," I managed to say so quietly that it took a second for him to understand.

Without a word, I felt him flip back around in bed, much to my relief. I didn't know what to think, I just laid there in my own bed, feeling completely exposed, even though I was still wearing clothes.

Bre's words echoed in my mind, "he's into you". At the time I thought she was crazy. I mean, I had heard awful things about guys like Tim Shepard. People like him thought they could lure girls into their beds, have sex with them, and leave them. But I had a gut feeling that that's not what Tim wanted to do. I think he actually came to me for help and to return the necklace. Maybe, he was just as intoxicated to me as I was to him. Maybe he was into me like Bre had speculated.

What confirmed my theory, was a few hours later, into the early morning, when Tim finally got up. He gently got out of my bed, being careful not to wake me as he pulled on his shirt and boots.

I was half-asleep when he crouched down next to me, planting a soft and lingering kiss on my forehead.

"I'm sorry. I just can't keep myself away from you, Connie." He whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear before he was gone.

I fell asleep with that on my mind. It haunted the brief dreams I had, and it scared me to death. When I woke up the next morning, I was greeted by a knock on the door.

"Morning Connie." My mother said bitterly. "We need to talk."

My eyes widened. She knew.

The Stars In Your Eyes ✩ Tim ShepardWhere stories live. Discover now