"The whisperer, what else do you know about him?" Carol asked.

"how am i supposed to know? I was only there for a few moments when they captured me." i looked at her.

"You think he'll betray your mother?" Carol asked another question.

"hopefully, and don't call her that. She hasn't been my mother for a long time." i fiddled with my fingers.

"i understand." Carol stood there.

"I hate them. Alpha, Beta, all of them for what they did. It wasn't fair." i looked up.

"you need to decide what side you're on." Carol rested her arm on the edge.

"I'm not on their side. Never have been. Never will be." i looked off into the distance again.

"good." Carol nodded.

"Alpha can do things to get people to do what she wants. Make them think it's what they want, but it's not. I obeyed her because i thought i had no other choice." i looked at Carol again.

"i got away because i thought she was dead, but now here she is with a group, creating chaos among everyone here." i told the woman.

𓆩♱ 🖤₊˙ 🔪 ♱𓆪

Carol, Daryl, and Gabriel walked off to speak with the Whisperer. Hoping to get some kind of information out of him. I didn't want to just sit at the house, and do nothing, so i walked to the cell where the man was being kept, walking in to see Carol sitting in front of the man as he had just spit out food onto her.

"Carol, go get cleaned up i got this." i walked forward.

I stepped closer to the man, pressing a finger onto his wound causing it to bleed as he groaned in pain.

"You got the animal in you, If we were out there, i would take you like a bitch in heat." The man said out of breath.

I stood up, punching the man across the face, causing the side of his eye to start bleeding as i punched him two more times.

"you're all weak." The man looked around.

Daryl stepped forward, glaring at the man as he grabbed out his knife.

"gonna start with your fingers

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"gonna start with your fingers. Then both your ears. Then we'll take all your teeth." Daryl pointed at him with his knife.

"you're lying to yourselves. You ignore the truth." The man said as daryl grabbed his hand, placing it flat on the wall, holding his knife just inches from his fingers.

"Alpha rescued me, she loves me, she loves us all. She sacrificed her own daughter for us." The man said.

"She killed y/n?" Carol asked.

"she did." The man looked.

"then why am i standing right here." I tilted my head.

The whisperer stared at me for a long while, trying to grasp the fact i was actually Alphas daughter. I could tell he didn't want to believe it at first, but he can't ignore the facts that easily, and fact is Alpha lied about my death.

"not much of a truth teller, is she?" i walked out.

I sat on the bench for a little while when Gabriel came back out, running to the infirmary. I didn't know what was going on until He came back with Siddiq, and Dante. Carol came back too and we both walked inside, seeing the whisperer dead on the ground.

"the hell happened?" i asked.

"Did you give this to him this morning?" Siddiq asked.

"yeah." Dante answered.

"you killed him." Siddiq looked.

"how?" Dante asked.

"it's Hemlock." Siddiq stared at him.

"i didn't mean to. I never thought Hemlock would be in the bag, because." Dante stuttered.

"because what, Dante?" Siddiq asked.

"Because you packed it." Dante looked up.

Siddiq sat there staring at Dante for a moment me, Daryl and Carol looked at him. Something wasn't adding up, I didn't know Siddiq for long, but he seemed like very good doctor, and for him to pack something that would kill someone didn't make any sense. I walked out again, not wanting to see the mess that had been caused. I knew Alpha would be pissed if she found out.

- the end of this chapter!

-hope you're enjoying.

-will y/n and daryl ever get together?? stay tuned!!

- 1,117 words

Rescue˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Daryl Dixon ♡ ♡Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum