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Liam loved being a werewolf. He really did. But when Scott had told him a few weeks before his 18th birthday that he'll be able to find a mate. He died a little inside.

One. Because he had never been told of anything such as mating before. And two. Because Scott said it can literally be anybody. And when he said anybody he really meant anybody. A guy. A girl. A teacher. Distant cousin. No. That's a joke. I think. I hope.

Now Liam was freaking out all over again, mind racing as a million thoughts of him having to bang his aunt ran through his brain. What if they're ugly? Or it's a child!?

Before Liam could run off a cliff, Mason appears in front of him, hand waving about as he yelled some words in Liam's face. "you good dude?"

Liam slapped his best friends hand away "yes! Yes. I think. Maybe. I'm not sure."

Mason laughed "Is this about the mate thing again?

Liam made a face, Mason just rolled his eyes, clapping a hand round Liam's back as he pulled the beta into a walk "man. I don't know how you haven't researched what you are yet. I did it and I'm not even a werewolf. God. How didn't you know there's such a thing as mates?"

Liam bristled again, hands flailing around like he was Stiles. "I don't know dude! Okay! Scott just threw it upon me. I'm still in shock. Like. What if she's ugly? What if it isn't even a she!? Oh my god Mase! What if I end up with a guy and I'm forced to suck a dick!"

A laugh echoed around the pair, Liam turning around so quickly he swore if he wasn't a werewolf he'd have given himself whiplash.

Theo stood there, arms crossed with a grin on his face, eyebrow raised high "is he still freaking out over the mates thing?" The older boys voice was that usual velvety, deep tone. It always seemed to send goosebumps up Liam's arm. For some reason it sent a warm feeling throughout his body this time.

Liam slapped his torso like he was on fire and then just settled his arms down at his sides "shut up! Both of you. I'm having a mental breakdown within myself. Okay!"

Theo stepped forwards, eyes never leaving Liam's face. Now that Liam thought about it. Theo seemed to always be looking at him.

"Don't stress it Liam. I'm sure you'll just love your mate." Theo said it like he knew something Liam didn't. Then again he always spoke like that so Liam just flipped his middle finger up and grabbed Mason's arm dragging themselves away from a smug Theo.


It's a week until Liam's 18th and he's stressing out to the point Mason had to call Scott.

Mainly because Liam won't stop saying how he's worried it'll be a guy. And that he typed up gay sex to see what'll happen and what'll he have to do IF it is a male.

Only to then be scarred for life.

"How are you into that Mase! I've just tarnished my brain with the weird whips and chains they were using!! Oh my god. I'm never letting you tie me up again Scott!"

Mason and Scott laughed, both trying to cover it up with a cough.

"Liam. Just calm down. It's not as bad as your making it seem."

Liam levelled Scott with an unimpressived look "yeah! Maybe because your mate turned out to be the girlfriend you already had at the time!..Oh. My god. What if it's Mason. No., No, no. I'm done. I'm done. Kill me now Scott. I never consented to this, to being a werewolf."

"God you're dramatic."

Liam shrieked jumping up ten feet into the air. Nearly hitting his head on the roof.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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