Glimpse of Us ≫ Onestar x Female! Reader

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Art: paintedpaw-cat

Song: Glimpse of Us - Joji

⚠️ Warnings ⚠️
• Angst

A/N: The song is behind the picture. You just have to click on the image and swipe left to find the lyric video.


The evening was slowly drawing to a close, turning the sky a dark blue and coating the entire moor in a peaceful shade of gray. Due to it being rather late in the season, a thin layer of frost had begun to settle on every stalk of heather, adding a stunning sparkle to the already beautiful moon-bathed moor.

You turned your head, your gaze resting on your mate who was sitting at the den entrance and watching the last of the sun disappear behind the rolling hills. "Isn't it beautiful, Onestar?" You meowed, sitting up in the nest you shared.

The mottled brown tabby jumped slightly, turning to face you with a distant look in his amber eyes. "What?" He sputtered, his voice uncharacteristically startled.

You tipped your head slightly. "The moor. Doesn't it look beautiful this time of night?"

Onestar let out a breath, as if he'd been relieved of some grueling task. "Oh, the moor. Yes, (Y/N). It's very pretty." You blinked, laying down and crossing your front paws as you stared at your mate. It wasn't like Onestar to act so distant, but you couldn't deny that he hadn't been acting like himself much. Ever since you met the lean tabby tom, he seemed aloof and dreamy, as if there was a painful memory he just couldn't let go. You didn't know much about his past, but some of his mannerisms often made you wonder if something terrible happened to him. "I'm just tired, darling," He mumbled as if he had read your thoughts. "I'm alright."

"Are you sure?" You fretted as he padded across the den and laid down beside you. "Your nose is pale."

"Yes, I'm sure," Onestar responded, somewhat dryly. "Can a tom not have normal feelings without being pestered by his mate once in awhile?" His ears were flat against his head, and his eyes still held that distant pain.

You flinched at his tone, turning your back to him and resting your chin on your foreleg. "Of course he can," You murmured, wrapping your tail around yourself. "I'm just worried."

Onestar sighed, and you heard his tail-tip thump once in distress. "Goodnight, (Y/N)," He meowed apologetically. "I love you."

You swallowed, forcing your tone to remain calm even as tears began to pool in your eyes. "Goodnight, darling. Sweet dreams." You wanted to believe you had everything the territories had to offer; A loving mate, a warm nest, and the feeling of being needed. But with the unspoken distance you felt growing between you and the WindClan leader, your nest had never felt so cold and empty.

Onestar's POV

He waited until the (F/C) she-cat's breaths turned into soft snores, watching her sleep like he would watch a leaf fall from a tree; Sad and uninterested. Sad because the tree was slowly losing it's former beauty, and uninterested because it wasn't the tree he wanted to look at.
"I'm sorry," He whispered, but not loudly enough to wake her. "You don't deserve this."
She didn't stir, as he expected. And for some reason, that angered him slightly.
Say something, He begged silently. Wake up and tell me you love me.
Still, the sleeping she-cat didn't so much as twitch a whisker.

Onestar heaved a quiet sigh, setting his forepaws comfortably in front of him and staring at the black sky outside. Somewhere out there, there was a gray she-cat with brilliant green eyes and a soft pink collar. He hadn't seen her in many moons, but he still thought about her every time (Y/N) touched her nose to his cheek or rasped her tongue across his neck. He thought of her when his belly was pressed against (Y/N)'s as they whispered each other's names and lost themselves when they finally closed their eyes.
The beautiful gray she-cat was gone when he opened them every time, replaced with the (F/C) warrior he had settled for in order to ease his heartache.

(Y/N) was perfect in every way. She was a loyal warrior, a loving mate, and a beautiful she-cat. But despite her nearly glowing perfection, each time Onestar looked at her, he saw someone else; He saw Smoke. What can you do, you old fool? He chastised himself as he watched (Y/N) sleep. Smoke is gone. (Y/N) is your mate now.

His mind began to drift, and he suddenly found himself wondering if Smoke was thinking about him, or if she even remembered him. Moons had passed; She probably had a new mate; New kits that weren't his.

He blinked, gently twining his tail with (Y/N)'s. Would she ever have his kits? Would she ever have to see the pain in his eyes as he recalled the day he turned Smoke away because he had made a terrible mistake? No, He told himself firmly. (Y/N) will not feel the same pain Smoke felt because of me.

Onestar stayed awake next to his lackluster love for the remainder of the night, fighting the urge to flee WindClan and everything he had worked so hard for. When the dark sky began to glow a dim shade of blue and the sun finally began to peer over the horizon, he rose to his paws and carefully removed himself from (Y/N)'s embrace. There was no point greeting her in the morning, not after the unfaithful thoughts he had all night.

As he stepped out of his den and began making his way towards the camp entrance, he turned to look at the few remaining stars of Silverpelt with tears in his eyes. I'm sorry, He told his ancestors silently. but I don't know how to love anyone else. Then, Onestar slipped through the gorse bushes and into the deepest recesses of his shame.


Finally! I can't believe I finally wrote something T-T It's been forever!
I honestly can't believe you guys are still around xD Thank you for being so patient!

I'm thinking about opening requests again soon, so keep an eye on that! I still haven't decided when, but when I do, I'll make an announcement.

Thanks for reading! I'll see you next time :D

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