|~ Family Restaurant ~|

Începe de la început

"Alola!" Everyone exclaimed

"Today we'll be helping out at Mallow's family restaurant! Me and Mallow thought it'd be a good experience for when you all reach adulthood and want to pursue a career!" Professor Kukui said

"This is gonna be fun! Heads up, Mallow's food is really good!" Sophocles said to you

"It sounds great." You said

Venusaur got up and was the first one out of the door.

"Wait up Venusaur!" You exclaimed

"Saur!" Venusaur replied

You pat Venusaur on the head before continuing to walk to Mallow's family restaurant as Sophocles went on about how good the food is or something.

You reached the restaurant, it was small but seemed quite lively on the inside and even Officer Jenny was enjoying her break with Gumshoos there.

"Saur?" Venusaur said

"Hello dad!" Mallow exclaimed

"Alola guys!" Her father smiled

"Alola!" Sophocles replied

"Okay! Here's what everyone will do! Sophocles and Kiawe will be cooking in the back, Me and Lana will be taking orders while Lillie and Y/N will be serving people!" Mallow planned

"Got it!" Lana said

She and Mallow began taking orders as you, Lillie, Snowy and Venusaur waited for food to finish.

"Could I get some Pinap juice?" A woman asked

"And a Roserade tea for me!" Another exclaimed

Since there were already available drinks you had served them to both woman and they were quite happy.

"This is easy!" Sophocles exclaimed

"I wouldn't get too ahead of yourself!" Mallow laughed

"Steenee!" Steenee said

"Togedemaru!" Togedemaru replied

"Saur!" Venusaur added

Some food was done so you and Lillie got to work with serving people and for the most part it was really easy.

"Here you go Officer Jenny!" You said

You passed her some food as she thanked you.

"Gumshoos." Gumshoos replied

"Your Pinap Juice is almost done!" You reassured

People started to become displeased with the amount of time it took for food to be served.

"What do we do?" Lillie asked

"Venusaur has the fragrance so maybe get him to sunbathe?" You suggested

"Perfect! Let's go Snowy!" Lillie exclaimed

Venusaur followed the two outside, it shouldn't take too long.

"Everything okay in the kitchen?" You asked

"That's what I've been asking." Lana said

"They accidentally burned some food causing them to go behind and since my Dad went to his forest teacher for some guidance we're all alone." Mallow explained

"Steenee!" Steenee said

"What about Venusaur's scent?" Lana asked

"Yeah!" Mallow exclaimed

"Mhm! We're trying to do that now." You stated

"Hope it works." Mallow said

"Saur!" Venusaur exclaimed

"Hey buddy!" You smiled

You scratched Venusaur's head as his flower blossomed fully and began producing the same scent from the morning.

"What good problem solving!" Kukui commented

Everyone seemed to relax and even Sophocles relaxed.

"Sophocles! We need to cook." Kiawe said

"Turta." Turtonator said

"Marowak!" Marowak exclaimed

"Togedemaru!" Togedemaru replied

Popplio clapped as more food started to come in when Mallow's father came back.

Everyone eventually left due to them being served.

"Wasn't that fun Venusaur?" You asked

"Saur!" Venusaur replied.

{ 2 Hours Later }

School had finally ended and you were back at home with Dragalge, Toxapex, Arbok, Salazzle and Naganadel.

"Tomorrow you'll be going to school with me Salazzle!" You exclaimed

"Salaz!" Salazzle said

You then picked her up and set her on your shoulder as you began to brush your teeth for bed.

"Here you go!" You smiled

Venusaur opened his mouth and even though he didn't have much teeth you still made an effort for him.

"Anyone else?" You asked

Toxapex and Arbok were next and they enjoyed it as much as Venusaur.

Dragalge, Naganadel and Salazzle had no interest in it though.

"How about we head to sleep now? Maybe on the weekend we can do something all together!" You suggested

"Toxapex! Toxa!" Toxapex replied

"Arbok!" Arbok said

"Saur!" Venusaur exclaimed

"Salaz!" Salazzle answered

Naganadel and Dragalge made two very different pitched screech's happily.

You smiled and laid down as Arbok laid right beside you.

Dragalge and Toxapex were stationed under the desk again while Venusaur was right under the window and Salazzle was up top on the window cil and to no one's surprise Naganadel was just hovering around.

You went to sleep easily to Pokémon talking, mainly Dragalge and Toxapex speaking to each other throughout the night and sometimes Naganadel or even Venusaur would chime into the conversation when they got bored throughout the night.

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