'.Chapter 25.'

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Look at this, chapter 25 already...

Ive had alot of fun writing this and honestly I hope most of you stick around for my other books, I love reading your guys comments and questions

Hope you had fun reading this, I'm saying all this cause well the end it closer than I said, you'll see what I mean if ya read the TWs...

TWs: well... Sw3w3rsl8d3... Scar mentions, cVtt8ng, blood

-tubbos POV-

I have to go back to school tomorrow, lucky I won't be here anymore tho! I sat in my room it was 11:30 pm Tuesday 22th in 30 minutes I'll be gone... Free... I grabbed my sharpener blade and did what I did best, I started slicing it against my skin, on my forearms, thighs, torso, I just let the blood on my arms drip, I didn't care anyway


'*I should start setting up*'
I got my rope and sw3w3rsl8d3 note out, I also got my journal and put it on the floor, I had a plan to get my farther caught, this journal had all the details to what my farther did to me and my mom, I smiled at the thought of my mom, I'm going to see her... (For plot he is going to heaven, I know that if you do commit you sadly don't go to heaven like the movies, tv and gacha videos say) I tied to rope to the hook on my ceiling, I made sure I did a slip note at the end so I could ya know- hang myself- I continued with my journal thing, I made sure the note was on-top of the journal, covering it, I then pulled books near it and against it


I opened messenger and pasted the message, I sent it to Tommy and ranboo, I closed my phone placed it on the floor, got up and onto my chair, grabbed the rope, put it around my neck, tied it tighter so I was kinda choking and kicked the chair over, I felt my body fall but not at the same time, I just let my body rest, I felt dizzy, I couldn't breath, all I could here was my phone blowing up with messages, I looked down and saw a couple messages that stuck out... they were from ranboo, as I bearly managed to read, them I felt my heart drop

"Please say this is a joke, PLEASE"
"Tubbo answer me!"
"Tubbo this isn't funny!!"
"This is all a joke right?"
"Please tubbo!!"
"Don't leave me!"
"Your gone arnt you..."

"Better just confess... Tubbo I like you, I love you more than just a friend"
"you know you know I'll see you again! You know you know I'll see you again..."
"Love you... My beloved <3"

My beloved <3...

Don't worry you'll get your reaction chapter and some justice if I have the motivation too

I want you to know I'm here if your struggling with this (sw3w3rsl8d3, SH etc) I'm going through it too, your not alone out there, many people struggle with this and it's not a weakness, you'll survive, trust me! No matter how sad and depressed you get, how heartbroken you are, there is always a way out, you'll find your way out, mine is through writing and drawing vent art, you'll always find your way out soon, I believe in you! sw3w3rsl8d3 isn't the way out... Believe me, I've tried, it dosent help, I can promise you that, stay strong my rats

Remember your valid and bye bye for now

Word count: 602

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