'.Chapter 15.'

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Alright, I wanna warn you that serve angst is going to happen soon, some may be in this chapter, I'm alot less rude then I was before cause- idk and I wanted to give you a proper warning cause I love y'all /P

This is when they are in year 7, they are now 12/13, so yeah we've skipped and entire year of school but I want to get down to the angst! You get fluff then angst, it's how I work

TWs: student abuse, slapping/hitting mentions, blood mentions, swearing


-tubbos POV-

We are now in year 7... This is when the teachers have right to hit us and slap us and all that stuff... I'm scared, school was my only escape from my farther and now I have to re-live home at school if I'm bad!

"Have a fun day at school!" My farther said grinning "don't be late~" with that he drove off.

I gulped as I entered school, I never realised how depressed this school was but now knowing what can happen to me it's more noticeable, I wasted no time getting my schedule from Sally and immediately ran to the classroom, I ain't taking chances, I had science with Mr. Cartel, I walked to the class which was D7 on floor 5, never realised how big this school was- I reached the class where o saw a student being yelled at- wait... It was Tommy! I watched the teacher slap and then hit Tommy, Tommy didn't say anything like he use to, he just- stayed silent and looked down, the teacher walked out the class and Tommy sat at a desk

"Ahh someone who's early" he was grinning, I began panicking, no way was I have teacher that hurt my bestfriend! I just can't
"Well are you going to talk!" He yelled at me, I can't do this! I began crying
"WHY ARE YOU CRYING!?" He kept yelling, each time he got loder and louder until he- he hit me... I look at him with disbelief and pure terror
"That's what happens when you don't speak"
"Oh..." I was still crying
"Now you talk! And also stop crying, your a boy"
"Just cause I'm a boy doesn't mean I can't cry..." I mumbled, he slapped me
"Don't talk back!" He spat "go sit next to the worthless rowdy kid!" I nodded and walked into the classroom, I sat down next to Tommy and looked at him, he looked really sad...

"Hey toms!" I said trying not to sound like I was crying, he noticed I was crying
"He hit you didn't he" his head shot straight up from the desk
"That goddamn!-" I put a hand on his shoulder as he was beginning to stand up
"It's fine" I said smiling at him
"It's not fine!" He yelled, I flinched
"Sorry" he immediately apologized
"It's fine buddy! I know you can't control it" he only smiled at me with more happy sympathetic eyes, I returned to smile and we then both sat in silence as the classroom began fling with kids

Halfway through the lesson

"Toby read this" the teacher said pointing to the paragraph on the board
"Sir that's not my name-"
"YES IT IS!" He yelled "YOU WERE GIVEN THAT NAME AT BIRTH SO ITS YOUR NAME" I looked down, most the class gave me sorry eyes, everyone knew that I didn't like that name, it was my deadname...
"Read." He said sitting down at his desk
'*oh god...*' I couldn't read it all the words were jumbled together
"Sir I have dysle-"
"NO YOU DONT" why does he keep yelling...
"I do, the school even knows about it, I can't read what's on the board sir..." He looked angier
"Come here" oh fuck this dude I ain't going up there- but my body said otherwise cause it's stupid at times, i walked to the front on the class and wood Infront of the teacher, he then hit me with a metal ruler right on my face
"What the actual fuck is wrong with you" I laughed as I go ahead that sentence "your a FUCKING PSYCHO!" I yelled
"NO I THINK I WILL! FIRST YOU DEADNAME ME SECOND YOU SAID I DONT HAVE SOMETHING THAT I CLEARLY DO HAVE AND LAST OF ALL YOU HIT ME ON THE FACE ALL BECAUSE I CANT READ WHATS ON THE BOARD" I finally finished my rant and just left the classroom, I didn't take the elevator, I took the stairs, I ran all the way to the office where I could see Sally and talk to her, Sally was like my mother figure, I love her

At the office

"Oh my gosh your bleeding!" Sally said with a concerned tone
"I am- oh-" I felt my face and saw blood on my hands
"Who and why?"
"Mr Cartel, because I couldn't read what was on the board because of my dyslexia" I said "he also deadnamed me and said I didn't have dyslexia even tho every teacher knows I do"
"I'll make sure to inform the principal, please go to the sick room so I can get that scar cleaned up, I nodded and went to the sick room.

I entered the sick room and sat down on a chair, Sally then came in and grabbed some spray and paper towels

"This may or may not hurt okay?" She said as she sprayed the paper towel and placed it on my scar, it stung alot, I flinched because of it, Sally then took it off and placed a dry one on my scar
"Hold that there until it stops bleeding, your going to stay in here till next lesson okay?" I nodded and smiled at her, she smiled back and then left, I sighed

'*first day back and I've already been hurt by a teacher how great!*'

Welp, yeah! Ummm that maybe made no sense cause I make all these story's up on the spot and don't proof read any, yes I've not proof read any chapters I've written 👍

Hope you enjoyed that

Worse angst will happen when we get to year 9 so beware! (That will be in like 7 chapters maybe? Idk)

Remember your valid and bye bye for now rats

Word count:1060

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