'.Chapter 5.'

721 20 11

Double update :0

TWs: alcohol mentions, smoking mentions, hitting mentions, abuse

-tubbos POV-

It was now Christmas break... Which ment I HAD to go back home... I wanted to go anywhere but there! I tried to convince my friends to take me but their parents said they need my dad's permission so I just have up asking, I walked out the school with my suitcase and saw my dad, I sighed and approached the car, he opens the boot for me and I placed my suitcase inside it, I then opened the door and entered the car, it still smelt of alcohol and cigarettes, I put my seat belt on and my dad began to drive

"So how's the school?" He asked
"Good actually! I've made 2 friends" I smiled at the thought of ranboo and Tommy
"So they don't hit you? You must be good then"
"They can't hit the primary kids farther..." He sighed at my answer
"Well I'm sure I'll be able to catch you up on the beatings..." I saw him grin in the head mirror thing, I gulped and looked out the window... I already wanted to go back, I let out a small whimper and sank down into the seat
"Stop your whining!" My farther yelled, I flinched and nodded

20 minutes later

We had arrived at the house... It looked the same as it was about 11 months ago, my farther opened the boot and I got out my suitcase... He opened the door and kept it open for me, grinning as I walked inside.

Once I was I side I visible gagged at the smell, it smelt so bad, past me was use to the smell of alcohol and cigarettes, but the new me forgot all that smell, I got to smell clean air again after being locked inside for years, I saw atleast 20 beer bottles on the ground

"I'm having a party tonight with my friends" my farther said sitting down in his chair
"Which ones?" He grinned at my question
"The ones you hate, ya know, Jacob and Oliver" he grinned, I stared at him, I hated them to my gut... They help my farther abuse me...
"Now go to your room!" he yelled, I nodded quickly and ran to my room, once inside I went to my secret area and cried in it, I had hid it when my father found out about it, well i changed some things around, he thinks he filled the correct gap up, but he didn't, I also made it bigger so I could sit in the position where your hands are on your knees and your sat up, I put my head down and began crying more... I wanted to go back to the school

5 hrs later

My farthers friends are here now, I'm not moving out my spot, I don't care if I don't eat, not like I need it, I heard someone coming up the stairs, my door then opened, I piled the boxes up so I was fully hidden from whoever was in my room

"Oh~ toby~~" it was Jacob "come out~" he laughed like a manic, I didn't move, he then opened my closet, I stayed silent and didnt move
"SCHLATT HE ISN'T HERE?!" Jacob yelled
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN!!" he farther yelled from downstairs, I then here's him come up stairs, he looked into the closet and then at the side that the 'crack was' he then looked at the side I was in, he then laughed, he grabbed the boxes and pushed them over revealing me..

"Aww hello Toby" my dad laughed, he then grabbed my hair and tried to yank me out, I screamed in pain, he couldn't get me out so he grabbed my horns... I had hid them under my hair every since they stared growing in, he then yanked me out and i screamed in pain as he pulled against my horns, it worked and he had got me out
"Idoit!" He spat, he then grabbed me and stared dragging me towards the stairs

Oh no...

Once they were downstairs

I saw oliver standing at the island thing in the kitchen, my dad then through me into the centre of the living room, I grabbed my head in pain as tears rolled down my cheeks

"Pathetic!!" My dad screamed, he then kicked me and I whined in pain, Jacob and Oliver began doing it too, kicking and punching me, it hurt so much I tried fighting back but I couldn't move, I was helpless, I just layed there crying and begging for them to stop but it seemed to make them continue... But I couldn't stop screaming for them to stop... I just wanted to curl up and due, and I was convinced that was going to happen

After an hour

I think I passed out cause I awoke in my bed, my while body ached and I was covered in bruises, I sighed, this was going to be life again until February, god pray for me

Motivation as left

Remember your valid and bye bye for now

Word count:860

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