'.Chapter 8.'

663 20 22

I slay all day bitches

TWs: none?

-tubbos POV-

After I finished my shower and got dressed I walked down stairs, I smelt a really nice smell coming from what I assumed was the kitchen, I peeped my head round the corner and saw Phil and techno cooking something

"Hey bud!" Phil said looking at me
"We're cooking sausages if you wanted to know" techno said, his vocie was quite monotone
"Okay..." I turned back around and headed towards the living room, I saw Tommy watching something
"Hey big man!" Tommy said in his usual loud tone
"What you watching?" I asked curios
"Cool!" I sat down next to him and began watching it too, it looked cool

Halfway through the episode

"Boys! Dinners ready!" I heard Phil shout
"Okay dadza!" Tommy got up, I stayed seated
"You coming?" He asked
"Huh? Oh yeah!" I really liked the anime
"You like the anime?"
"That's good!" We both smiled and went to the dinning room,

Once I'm there I sat down and looked down at the food in my plate, I had 1 sausage, chips and beans, I smiled as I'm gonna say this, my dad would never give me this much!

"Eat up!" Phil said smiling and we all began eating

After dinner

During dinner everyone was talking about random stuff, I stayed silent the entire time, once I was finished I put my plate in the sink and told them I was going to Tommy's room cause all my things were in there, Phil said okay and I walked to Tommy's room, he showed me where his room was before I got in the shower but honestly, I already forgot, I began walking random ways and opening doors, I opened one door and it was another bedroom, but this one wasn't plain, it had

Light pink walls, there was music posters on the wall, a sword proper up against a bookshelf, a dummy which has slashes all over it and books on the floor

"What you doing in my room?" Asked a monotone vocie, I jumped and turned around, it was techno
"I-i-im sorry!" I half shouted
"Yo- calm down it's okay" I nodded
"Want to come in?" He walked past me and looked back at me, I nodded once again and I walked in too, he closed the door behind us and opened the blinds, I picked up a book off the ground and looked at it
"What's this?" I asked
"What the book?"
"Well yeah but like- what type of book- uhhh"
"It's a book about a teen boy who falls in love with a girl of God but his parents strictly say dont data a Christian girl" I looked at him confused
"Why don't they like Christians?"
"Idk man, they weird like that" he shrugged
"Want to read it? You can have it for a bit"
"Thanks but i- I can't read- well, I can but it's really hard"
"I can read it too you, if you'd like..." The last bit he mumbled, I giggled and accepted his offer, he sat down on the bed and patted a spot next to him, I sat there and gave him the book, he started reading

30 minutes later

-third person-

"Techno have y-" phil stopped mid sentence as he saw the two boys asleep, tubbo and techno, tubbo was leaning on technos side and techno had his arm around tubbo, Phil smiled and quickly grabbed his phone, he took a picture
'*I'm going to print this*' he hummed, closed the door and walked off

Tubbo liked it there, people actually cared for him,

He never wanted to leave

But he had too...

He dreads for that day to come

Fluff damn- never knew I could write fluff that's okay


Remember your valid and bye bye for now my rats

Word count:648

They Don't Know...|tubbo angst|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz