'.Chapter 2.'

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TWs: swearing,abuse, sw3w3rsl8d3 thoughts, cVtt8ng mentions, knives, blood

(Letters were replaced because of people who are or maybe triggered by the word, please respect those people)

-Tubbos POV-

I listened as I heard the last person leave, I gulped and ran to my secret hiding spot, farther didn't know of this spot, I ran into the slithers and sat down, the cracked area was big enough for me to sit in, mainly cause I made it that big, I put the boxes Infront and sighed as I heard my farther walk up the stairs and open my door

"Toby-" he stopped "Toby where are you!" I flinched at his yelling, knocking the wall in the process, I held my breath hoping he wouldn't hear
"Lucky brat!!" He screamed and left my room closing the door behind me, I sighed and got out.

Once I had got out I heard a vocie I didn't want to hear...

"I knew you'd fall for that" he laughed, I slowly looked up
"Fucking brat" he kicked me, I whined in pain, he did it again and again and again and again and again- until I passed out from the pain

When tubbo woke up

My eyes slowly opened, I was now on my bed,  atleast farther cared enough to put me on my bed, I sat up and yelped as pain shot through my entire body, I whined and got out of my bed, I wobbled my way down to the kitchen to get food, or to ask my farther for permission to eat.

I was now down stairs, or took awhile but I made it, I made my way to the kitchen, on the way I saw my dad passed out on the floor, clearly very drunk, I sneaked by and enterd the kitchen

In the kitchen

I walked into the kitchen and went to grab biscuits when a shiny object caught my eye,

A knife

I walked over to the knife and stared at it, I began to think about what I could do with this, I looked down at my arms, then a thought sprung into my head, I grabbed the knife and walked to the bathroom, not bothering to satisfy my hunger,

I walked passed my sleeping, drunk farther, it whatever I should call him, I should call him dumb stupid bitch, or asshole or dickhead, or even terrible farther, I ran up the stairs and made my way to the bathroom.

Once inside I locked the door and placed the knife on the counter which the sink was attached too, I rolled my sleeves up and grabbed the knife again, I slowly lowered it till it reached my skin, I pressed down and began to cvt

1 for being bad

2 for being a idoit

3 for dropping the alcohol

4 for getting people's clothes dirty and stained

5 for hiding from my farther

6 for falling for my father's trick

7 for bringing born

8 for-

"TOBY!!" I turned around to see my dad standing in the doorway
"But I locked the door-" I saw a Bobby pin in his hand
"YOU DUMB BRAT!!" He grabbed my blood stained arm and I winched at the sudden touch, he then took the knife and grabbed my other arm, he did what I did, he cvt it, he did it deeper and rougher, tears flooded down my face.

When farther was finished I had atleast 20 scars on my right arm, I was now on the ground balling my eyes out, blood dripped and pooled around my arm as the cvts bled more and more, I couldn't take this any more...

I used the strength I had to pull myself off the floor, I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked at my pathetic face, stained with tears, my eyes red and puffy from crying for atleast 30 minutes

*'you should end it all'*
*'no one's gonna miss you...'*
*'your dad will be happy'*

*'you want him to be happy right'*

Hello fellow aliens and humans, expect fluff way further in, as I have lots of angst planned :)

Your valid and bye bye

Word count:698

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