Then a mischievous smile plastered over Molly's face, she then turned around, faced me fully, swung her fist to my jaw and hit it, causing my body to turn, dropping on my knees, feeling stung on the corner of my mouth, and when I touched my lower lip, looked down at my finger, there's a smudge of blood.

The sky above us rumbled with thunder once more, but this time it was stronger, with lighting flashing more behind the clouds, reflecting how much this fight was getting on my nerves. "You deserved that," Molly rasped, amused, and spat, "You're a fucking psychotic."


"You heard me, you hurt your own poor best friend, (Y/n), and did she deserve it?"

I stammered, perplexed. I remember Mia standing outside that door, watching me in the bed with the guy she liked, whom everyone thought I killed in the fire, and then seeing her the next day in the hospital bed, badly hurt, screaming at me to get out of the room after I apologized. Of course not, Mia didn't deserve it! I know it wasn't my fault, I didn't set fire to that house, but how did Molly find out?

"But how about that maniac guy? The one you killed? He deserved it, right?" Molly's eyes were intensely hysterically entertained, gradually taking a step towards me.

"I didn't kill anyone." I stated firmly and honestly.

"You're a murderer."

"I am not." my thoughts heaved from the past, a terrifying fire flashing through my mind. My eyes dilated, intensely shifting left and right as I envisioned the fire and haunting pain screams from that party. It's from the past, and I still don't remember how that fire started because I was too drunk that night.

"Liars go to hell, (Y/n)." Molly paused, straightening her spine and tilting her head high, "But wait, ironically, you were born there."

"Fuck you."

"Oh, you think you're so innocent, a "good girl," "daddy's girl,"— a princess who gets away with everything for a privilege." Molly stated, smiling snarkily. Daddy's girl? How could she say something so untrue when I don't have a good relationship with my father, who, like everyone else in my old school and town, sees me as a freak crazy daughter?

"Shut the fuck up!" I got up again to shove Molly, she sidestepped it and pushed my back, I stumbled forward but managed to lift my weight as I straightened my spine, my breathing became sharper in rage, making my fist clenched, my nails digging in my flesh, and my nerve stiffened as I swung my fist towards Molly and it hit her mouth, hard, she stumbled to the side, she gasped in pain, I shook my hand as I felt the sting on my knuckles, it felt like I punched a wall, and it fucking hurt.

"Little princess remembers how to fight at all." Molly says delightfully. I'm now confused about everything she says. Before adding flatly, "Because acting with innocence gets you nowhere." She returns her gaze to mine, her lower lip bleeding like mine. Oh, we're even now. "You don't know me or my life." I warned her, staring down at her hysterical eyes.

Molly scowled and shifted towards me, and the next thing she did was give me a swift tornado kick, which I quickly managed to dodge as I moved backwards with her leg swung in front of me. The scene in the field drew attention, and as the four teenagers leaned against the windows to watch the fight, they all began cheering as the quarrel heated up. Molly threw her punch at my face, I dodged again, she grumbled angrily, I almost got caught off guard when she gave a quick side kick, she moved so fast and so did I, I managed to dodge as I sidestepped, then Molly swung her arm and I blocked it with mine and I hit her jaw with my elbow, she shook her head and glared as she swung her fist next at me, I held her forearm out of instinct, and I was surprised, as well as amazed that I had prevented her punch. Molly's eyes widened, shocked at my counter, she glanced at my hand grasping her. Then I twirled her arm through her back and shoved her away, then delivered an unexpected roundhouse kick to the side of her stomach, causing her to stumble and nearly fall to her knees as she gasped for air. Again, did I just do that?

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