Glitter goop

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      "Crank crank crank."

"bzzt crank bzzzt"

"Done! Now this is gonna be awesommeee!!" I was on my hoverboard attaching a glitter bomb to a drone I made.

Me and Sam were at the police station about to pull the most amazing prank ever! Since Kendra needed a distraction so those "goodie two shoes" as she called them wouldn't cause any trouble for her.

But of course I expected the "goodie two shoes" to be late to the scene of the crime because everyone always was. No one would even catch a glimpse of me while I was pulling pranks.

And I mean how could they anyways? I was always quick as possible I mean come on they would never be able to find-

"Stop right there evildoer!" I hear a voice shout behind me. I jump a bit causing my hoverboard to swivel with me.

I turn around to see four.... Turtles Kendra never mentioned turtles? My hoverboard slowly lowers me to the ground. I then tilt my head in confusion.

No one's ever caught me in the act before. This was so... odd and these creatures also intrigued me. I've never seen anything like them before.

"You've been causing trouble for too long now, we will smash you like a boss!" The tallest one with the red bandanna spoke. I was going to comment on what he said but the slightly shorter blue one spoke before I could.

"Also we've seen your work. You must have a pretty explosive personality." He had a smirk practically glued on his face. With a sword hanging carelessly on his shoulders.

Oh god I LOVED cheesy stupid jokes I tried holding back my laughter but it was useless. "HAHaaahaaHa."

My head slightly turned to the side as I laughed. The blue turtle's eyes lit up. "See, they get my jokes." He said smoothly

I wiped a small tear away as I spoke for the first time to them. "First of all, that joke was great. Second of all the one in the red you really shouldn't say that to your enemies it's misleading. VERY misleading."

At this point I was right in front of them all. They looked slightly confused as to how I closed the distance in such a short amount of time.

I then get very close to the purple one. To be honest I had no sense of personal space. Not in a I hug people all the time kind of way. More like I didn't think personal space was a big thing I thought the distance I was from the turtle was normal. Even though I was just inches away from him.

"What are you?" I ask, he was about to speak but I turned my attention to the blue one. I picked up his arm staring at the markings on them.

"What are these yellow lines on your arms?" I thought for a moment "are you like a red eared slider turtle... I'm pretty sure that's what they're called." I trailed off on the last part, letting go of his arm and placing a hand under my chin.

"Why yes I am." He said proudly

"Guess you've never heard of personal space.." the purple one muttered

"Personal what now?" I asked, he stared at me examining my face.

"Oh you're serious." He finally said

"Guys stop having friendly conversations with the enemy!" The red one raised his voice.

And with that said a yo-yo looking weapon shot for my face I didn't panic at all. I stood completely still only tilting my head to the right quickly.

I grab the yo-yo string. "Hmmm." I mumble turning my head to look at the weapon. The turtles looked a little stunned. I let go of the string and the yo-yo drops to the floor.

"If you're going to attack your opponent, make it count." I press a button on my backpack and it gives me a water balloon. I throw it right next to the turtles and smoke comes out giving me time to escape.

Before the turtles knew it the mysterious criminal had disappeared. Nowhere to be seen they all looked at each other.

"How did they DO THAT." Mikey screeched. "Well looks like they used a smoke bomb and ran off." Donnie replied.

"We failed to catch them." Raph looked upset but Leo slid over to him patting his brothers shoulder.

"Well at least we stopped them from doing anything I say that's a win!" But Leo spoke too soon because a few moments later.


The boys ran over to get a closer look and the police station windows were covered in blue glitter goop. "Oh that is not good." Donnie muttered.

"Well, jury's in hermanoes, it's a boy '' Once again Leo made a cheesy one-liner, and what he didn't know was that mysterious criminal was watching from above. Laughing softly at his joke.

"Pffftt he's really funny." Y/n chuckled. "According to your sense of humor and your love for one-liners. I can conclude he is very amusing to you." Sam chirped to which y/n replied with a nod.

Donnie and Mikey groaned. "Come on guys blue glitter goop I had to make the joke."

"THEY GOT AWAY AND WE DIDN'T STOP THEM?!" Raph shouted in horror. Not paying attention the his brothers.

"Hey guys what's that?" Mikey pointed to some graffiti that was on the wall. They all stepped closer and realized it was writing.

Nice try but you can't catch me! We should do this again sometime. Oh and fat hands next time you shout at your enemy make sure you have a plan.

"Who they call'n fat hands?" Raph asked while scrunching up his face. Donnie looked at everyone when his gaze stopped on Raph he said "probably you."

Y/n giggled she did call him fat hands she thought it would be a funny nickname for the red turtle.

"What! I do not have fat hands." Raph sounded very offended. "Wow, they're funny and they laugh at my one-liners. You know what, they might not be so bad." Leo said proudly

"LEO, just because the enemy laughed at your dumb joke does not make them not that bad." Raph scolded him.

Leo just rolled his eyes and raph made a pouty face. "I do not have fat hands." Mikey patted Ralph's shoulder sympathetically.

Donnie then looked at his wrist band. "Oh my banana pANCakEs." Donnie screeched.

"PpFFtt haHA did he just say oh my banana pancakes!?" Y/n whisper yelled so the turtles wouldn't hear her.

"Guys I completely forgot. Today we were supposed to go try and get the dragon's tooth from the purple dragons!!" He spoke with panic while he waved his arms around.

"Huh well I'm going to have to quickly advance the security system." Y/n said "ooorr I could just go to sleep because I'm ttiiiireeedd." She spoke again.

"Alright guys let's go get that uh... tooth thingy." The red one or fat hands as I called him. smashed his fists together and they were off.

"I doubt I have to put any new security systems in there. The only one who seemed to have half a brain was that purple one. But with those guys on his team he wouldn't be able to pull anything." Y/n blabbered on about that for a while. Until Sam told her they should head back which snapped y/n out of her trance.

While they were heading back y/n thought to herself. How funny that blue turtle one was and how that purple one intrigued her. He looked really smart judging from all the tech he had on. And since that water balloon she threw had UV light that would stick onto them she would be able to find them anywhere! As long as they didn't shower before they got home and who the hell showers BEFORE they get home?

After a while y/n finally made her way home flopping on her bed. Still thinking about those odd creatures.

"Hhhmm I'm gonna have to come up with some nicknames for the rest of them

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