Time To Cause Some Chaos

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(Everything at the top is all of Y/ns gear the one in her hand is her new gun that she makes in the chapter also in sorry for this chapter taking so long but I was really trying to make this book interesting also also everything at the top is not mine I found all of the images on Pinterest)

                          *BEEP BEEP BEEP*

"Good morning Ms. Hex, how did you sleep?" The alarm clock spoke in a robotic cheery voice. I lifted my head from the pillow "Fine Sam." I replied to the Machine, S.A.M. Stood for Super Annoying Machine.

"It's saturday are you planning on making any chaos Ms. Hex?" The machine spoke once again.

"Oho you know it!" I said jumping out of the bed in excitement. But immediately fell face first onto the ground because my blanket was caught around my leg.

"HmmPpHh" I huffed while blowing a strand of hair out of my face. I unwrapped the blanket from my leg and pushed myself up.

I got ready for the day and started to head down stairs. But instead of walking down them I slid down the railing.

Jumping off the railing I head towards the kitchen. "Hmm what to eat what to eeaat." I start rummaging through the cabinets in search of food.

"Eh cereal it is." I take out the cereal, place it in the bowl and then put the milk in.

Hey I was crazy but I wasn't one of those people who put the milk in first.

I finish eating my cereal and for a long time I tinker with inventions in my room.

"Message from purple dragons Ms. Hex" I heard Sam say. I placed my goggles on the top of my head furrowing my brows. Looking away from my creations.

"What do they want Sam?" I ask "Kendra says that they want to cause some chaos downtown and they might need help with the dragons tooth. The new enemy they have recently encountered might try to steal it." The cheerful robot replied.

"A chance to cause some chaos pffft sign me up tell her I'll be there in just a minute."

"Of course Ms. Hex"

I immediately start to grab my bombs and toxins. I also grabbed the gun I was just tinkering with a new addition to the family!

Now what to name heeerrr.... I think for a moment tapping a finger on my chin. "HHmm.... Oh I know." I grab the gun holding it to the sky. "Butterscotch!"

I place my bombs and toxins in my infinite box thingy.... Hmm should probably come up with a name for that as well.

I take the box out of the usual bag I use and place it in a purple one. I couldn't run around with the same bag I take to school everyone would know it's me!

Then I walk towards my closet and I get  my, uuhm disguise? I guess that's what you could call it but when I was wearing it I felt like I was embracing my true self.

I was embracing my chaotic fun side rather than the fake mask I would put on when I needed to act all goody goody with people. God was that boring and I HATED boring.

I started to change into my disguise. I loved how bright the pink was and how the skirt was so shiny. I put my gas mask on it covered my nose to my chin. It also had pink little circles on it that represented bubbles along with a few scribbles.

I grab Butterscotch and place her on the side of my belt. "Welcome to the family Butterscotch you're gonna love it." I say happily. Butterscotch was a tracker gun I would use whenever I needed to track an enemy down.

With my bag and hoverboard in hand, I rush out the window while grabbing the rest of my guns. I jump on the hoverboard and place my pink hood up to hide my hair. "Sam let's get going."

The cheerful alarm clock flies out of the window and hovers by my side. When I click the button on the side of the clock, her metal shifts to give her the appearance of a dragon.

"You gave me a body!?" She asked happily. "Well when I broke you the other day I figured I'd give you an apology without giving an apology, hence the dragon body. Besides, you're now the perfect mascot for the purple dragons since you're purple and a dragon."

She did a spin in her new dragon form. "Thank you Ms. Hex." She said

"Of course Sam." I replied and then asked where the purple dragons were exactly. She told me and we were off.


𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙤𝙨

Are We Enemies? Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora