Chapter 1

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•~•Din PoV•~•probably for the rest of this story but who knows.

•~•In the café•~•
"Bay there's a new order so can you make a Hot chocolate with cream on top " l said in the kitchen of the café where Bay worked l worked at the register "Sure thing Dindin !"Bay said while smirking l glared at him he knows l hate that nickname but l just sighed and head back to the register, you could say Bay and l are the owners of this café cause we bought it before it was a wreck but now all are savings are on this café and to be honest it was worth it .
While l was smiling thinking about happy stuff the bell rang to the door , two came in but both in black eh probably don't like colours

Mafia Oti and Assassin Lang x cafe  DinWhere stories live. Discover now