Chapter 2

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•~•Din PoV •~•
But as l studied more the white haired one had a wrist band but on his arm and it was white so did the other he had black hair and bright orange eyes and had a wrist band on his arm but orange.
"Hellooooo Kitty l would like a hot chocolate with a chocolate dipped cookie "The white haired one said while winking at me "Sure thing and how about you"l said smiling "just a black coffee please"the other one said "Ok l will get your order ready so you can go to the table next to the window "l said happily and they nodded "Hey Bay l need one hot chocolate with a chocolate dipped cookie and a black coffee!"l said in the kitchen "Ok dindin"he said while smirking l glared at him and went back to the counter.
(Ok am adding a character and it's Sac ! He has romantic feelings for Din but din is too blind 🥲💦)
The bell to the door rang and it was Sac !"Helloo Din!" Sac said while walking over l walked over to him and hugged and he hugged back "Sac it's been a while!"l said he chuckled "It's has only been a day "he said still chuckling but l felt some stares but the only people that were in the café were those two ,Bay me and Sac so l guessed it was the two customers so l turned to look at them but they weren't so l continued to talk to Sac but l felt the stares again but this time l didn't move my head but slightly and they were the white haired one was glaring and the Black haired one was holding his book tightly but l rubbed it off and said to Sac l would be back .
l left Sac to go get the orders and went to there table "Here's one shot chocolate and chocolate dipped cookie and here's your black coffee enjoy!"l said "Thank you Kitty~!"The white haired one said l nodded and head back to Sac but l felt stares and ignored it .
<•1hour LaTeR•> 😮
"So before l go can l get a little smooch "Sac said l sighed and laughed "Sure but you have to come and get it"l said smirking teasingly Sac and l were friends well best friends he always wanted kisses or hugs or something else l thought it was normal cause he is a flirt and he is my best friend so he wouldn't like me right? He's just a friend right?
(His blinder than Adrien 🤦‍♀️)
But l got caught off guard when Sac took a little peck from my lips "Arigato Din!" He said who going away "Yeah yeah idiot.."l said whispering.
<•10 minutes later•>😱
"Thanks for the snack Kitty !" The white haired one said with a toothy grin "Anyways l would like to know your name since we my be regulars here plus the your food and drinks are amazing!" I blushed at the sudden action of the white haired "Well the food is made by Bay my best friend since Kindergarten and my name is Din"l said smiling "Pretty name Din my name is Lang!"he said exited "And am Oti "he said while taking my hand and kissed it l blushed hardly but Lang glared "Well we don't wanna waste your Time Din so until we meet again !"Lang said while dragging Oti outside.
How wierd...

:) should l make Oti and Lang as his Friends since childhood and Make Din forget them since he had lost his memory ? Idk l will just follow my heart ;)

Mafia Oti and Assassin Lang x cafe  DinWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt