Chapter 6: the slumber party

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Apart from our money problems, I was in my own personal quandary. I was in with a group of girls who were the best friends I'd ever had in my life. I was doing well and was happy at school. If I reverted to being a boy, things wouldn't, couldn't be the same. It was easiest to just let things roll along, but it was phoney, it couldn't last as it was. Oh, what to do?

And then, in some ways, my hand was forced. Cher decided to have a slumber party on the night of the last day of term. Three days before, we girls had a meeting after school at her place to finalise the details.

We sat around doing more laughing and giggling than organising, but then I began to feel out of it - I knew I couldn't come - despite appearances, I was a boy. I grew quiet. Francesca understood and her face took on a look of concern. I had to leave.

"I'm feeling a bit sick, I'd better go," I announced unwillingly.

"Oh, Babs. What is it, love?" Trish asked worried.

Fran was looking at me with an anguished face, "She's not sick," and her tears came.

Mine followed immediately, "Oh, God, you'll hate me," I strangled out.

There was a stunned silence. Cher got up and came over and hugged me; she was smiling. Cher, the smartest of us all, "Well, well, well. I had my suspicions and it seems that they were right. Babs, it's okay. You're one of us, we all love you."

"What's going on?" the others chorused.

"Do you want me to tell them, Babs?" Cher asked gently.

I nodded, my head pressed against her shoulder as she still held me.

"My friends, this lovely young girl I have here is actually Fran's twin brother. He has changed himself into a girl . . . maybe so that she could be our friend."

"You're joking."

"Come on, she's a girl."

Fran, still a bit teary, spoke up, "It's true. You know we are pretty hard up and my brother very bravely agreed to wear some girl's clothes we had in order to save us money. I think she . . . he has found that you guys are so nice . . . that she began to enjoy . . ."

I was still weepy, "You're the best friends I've ever had."

"Oh, Babs, don't cry."

"Cher, oh, Cher what am I to do?" I couldn't stop my tears.

Loren, Cher's Mum, came into the room, "What's wrong with Babs? What have you girls done to her?"

"It's okay, Mum. There has just been a bit of a revelation."

Cher looked down at me and again I nodded. "You see, Mum, Babs is actually Fran's twin brother, Vincent. She has been dressing up as a girl to save her family money. She's a good kid."

"She's a terrific girl, Mrs Morgan, we all like her," my other friends began saying.

"Come here, sweetheart." Mrs Morgan put her arms around me. "My goodness, what a business." She gave a funny sort of laugh, "and nobody knew. I think I can see it now that I know, but I would never have guessed. What has bought on the announcement . . . oh, the slumber party."

"Mum, we want her to come," Cher declared firmly.

This was quickly endorsed by the others - oh, lord, they were my wonderful friends.

Mrs Morgan was nodding, "Well, I'd better see what I can do. Babs, stay with your mates, I'm going to make some phone calls."

All the mothers agreed and I attended the slumber party. It was the greatest fun night of my life.

But a lot more came out of that event. 

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