Chapter 1

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Undertale: Reason to Live

"So, you're really going through with this? Aren't you?" Flowey asked.

There, Frisk was, lying in the snow in the middle of the Snowdin woods, where he thought no one would find him, yet somehow, he did.

"I have to say I was hoping for a better ending than this," Flowey said in his cold and mocking tone. "I mean seeing you try to play this game without killing anyone only to fail. Every. Single. Time. That was entertaining. Watching you try so hard to stay the pacifist only to snap. Every. Single. Time. That was hilarious. Then, watching as slowly your hope vanished until your determination withered away from your wasted efforts. That was unbelievably satisfying. But seeing you like this, with no hope left, resigning yourself to freeze to death in the woods, completely alone. It doesn't feel like the ending you deserve."

Frisk had no energy left to cry or even to react. He had shed all his tears. He had lost all his feelings. He no longer cared what happened. He stared emotionlessly through Flowey as if he wasn't even there though he heard every word. Frisk was waiting to die.

"Oh, well," Flowey said shaking his head. "I'm not complaining. After all, once you're gone, I get a soul. You know, I could make this go faster if you wanted me to. I could kill you and take your soul myself, like I almost did before…"

Flowey showed his more menacing face. He pulled Frisk's soul out of his body and prepared to destroy him with his seeds. When Frisk didn't react, Flowey relaxed his features back to normal, let his soul go, and made his weapons disappear.

"No, it just doesn't feel the same," Flowey said. "It just doesn't feel the same now that you've given up hope. It's no fun now that there's no terror behind your eyes or determination to fight against. Besides, that would only be giving you what you want. Wouldn't it? I'll let you die your own way in your own pain, human. Then once your corpse is frozen, I'll take your soul and carry out my own plans. Together, we'll give this world the hell it deserves. It will be so much fun. I hope you're looking forward to it as much as I am."

Frisk's only response was to roll over on his other side so that he was facing away from Flowey.

"Alright then," Flowey gloated. "I suppose I can let you have your final minutes of peace. Enjoy them while you can. I'll be waiting."

Flowey disappeared finally leaving Frisk alone with his thoughts. Once he disappeared, he let what few tears he had left flow freely. Even his last-ditch attempt to make everything right had failed. When Frisk froze to death, he wouldn't be allowed to move on to the afterlife in peace. Flowey would take his soul and bring about his hell on earth. Whether he lived or died, Frisk would still cause misery. It was unfair.

Frisk couldn't even run somewhere else. He was too weak now to even move. All he could do was wait. His body was cold, and he was so tired. His eyes were so heavy now. His eyelids shut, and he began to lose consciousness. It was so peaceful and quiet. Why couldn't he stay this way?

Frisk fell asleep and began to dream. In his dreams, it was dark, and he was alone, but instead of the cold, he felt warm. A mist surrounded him and held him in an embrace. He couldn't explain it, but he knew he was loved and he was safe in its presence. Frisk finally felt happy and at peace. He could have stayed there forever.

"You don't really want to die, do you?" the mist asked in a sad but kind and concerned voice.

Frisk shed a few tears and nodded. He suddenly felt himself being lifted into the air.

"You don't want to leave," the mist said still kind but overwhelming in his love and power. "You only want to be free from pain and stop hurting others, but this isn't the way."

Undertale: Reason to LiveWhere stories live. Discover now