Chapter V: For Real This Time

Start from the beginning

"Okay, I will, but there better be a good explanation," I whisper in response, giving her a small smile before grabbing a towel. Whatever she has planned, I'm sure I will enjoy it.


Turning off the faucet to the shower, I can't help but feel a little sad that I have to step out already. The water feels so natural to me and I honestly wish I could stay in it for a little while longer, but I know I can't. I already said I would play along with whatever plan Sunset has. Still, the curiosity I can't seem to shake plagues my mind. It's just too tempting to understand why Sunset wants to go out. Maybe she wants to go on a romantic date since it's been a while since we've done that. Or maybe she has some announcement to tell me?

Regardless of the circumstances, I'll find out soon enough. Reaching outside the shower, I grab my pink towel, quickly drying off my body with a small sigh. Stepping out of the shower, I look towards the door, wondering if Sunset is done getting ready. She told me she didn't need to take a shower, but I did. I agree with that notion though... I smelled heavily of alcohol, so it would be a good idea to get that smell off of me. Looking at the mirror briefly, I try to smile at myself, but a flash of darkness with red eyes makes me jump slightly. Every now and then, I get reminders of the siren's existence, forcing me to stay on my toes.

Opening the door to the bathroom, I quietly walk out, looking inside our room. Sitting on our bed, Sunset looks at her laptop with a small smile and concentrated eyes, seeming focused on whatever is on her screen. "Something interesting?" I pipe up, leaning against the doorway with my towel wrapped around my body. Sunset promptly looks up from her laptop, a curious look on her face.

"Oh? It's uh... It's nothing interesting, really. I was just looking at that house we saw in October." Sunset's eyes look back down at the laptop with a conflicted smile before I walk over and sit down next to her. That's right... A few months ago, the two of us went jogging together and we saw this decent house that was on sale. At the time, Sunset asked me if I ever thought about moving into an actual house with her, but I thought it was more of phrased in a rhetorical tone. I didn't know she was actually serious about it.

"Are you thinking about it?" I ask her quietly, looking at the picture of the house on the screen and back at her. She and I don't have nearly enough money to buy a house right now, but... the idea is interesting. It sounds pretty nice actually... Moving into an actual home with her where we would have more than a couple of rooms to move around in and we could actually have all our friends over. It's nice to dream... Is it a dream...?

"Kind of... I mean, it'd be kind of nice, but it would be a big investment and we just don't have the resources for that right now. I guess it seems stupid of me to wish, huh?" she asks me slowly, a guilty expression taking hold of her face before she shuts her laptop. I can't help but feel sad, seeing her expression and wanting to help her feel a little better. Before I can do anything however, Sunset stands up from the bed, walking over to the closet to get her dress out.

"It doesn't seem stupid to me," I tell her with a reassuring tone, making Sunset look back at me with a guilty glance. Her mouth opens for a moment as if she wants to say something, but she just as quickly turns back around, looking for her dress without saying a word. Taking a moment to look at Sunset's closed laptop, I debate for a moment whether I should open it and take another look at the price. I mean, we have been looking at getting a new place recently due to the robbery a long time ago, but I always figured we were getting another apartment. Not a house. Maybe we could afford it with enough savings...? "Anyway, I hope we can enjoy the night as much as we can~ It would suck if someone called us for no reason..."

Getting off the bed, I smile slightly, nodding to Sunset's statement. From all of Sunset's motions, she's made it clear that she is nervous about today and this means a lot to her. Make sure you turn your phone off, Adagio...

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