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"Where are all the servants?" Tewkesbury asked, as if I knew exactly what was going on when in reality I was still lost.

"Welcome to the future." I guess this is what will happen without Tewkesbury around.

"Mother?" I lightly hit him, trying to get him to be quieter. We walked into one of the rooms which I recognised from meeting his grandmother, mother, and uncle. Plus Lestrade, but we don't need to worry about him. I could feel as if someone was watching us, when my necklace began glowing, but not brightly, just like a small amount of light. I looked down to see my necklace had turned red around the chain, meaning danger, but yellow around the moon which to everyone else might mean happy, but I knew what it really meant. We were being watched.
"They know we're here." I heard a gun getting ready to fire and pulled Tewkesbury under the table right before it hit us. I felt Tewkesbury grabbing my hand and he began running, pulling me along with him.
I know how to run without you holding my hand." He let go, but we could hear the gun being shot in our direction multiple times. We ran to the doors only to find they were locked.

Another shot went off, and we kept running, this time down the hall. I turned to see if he was near, but continued running. I then felt someone grabbing my arm, making me hit a wall. Seriously, I get he's trying to help but could he stop grabbing me? I looked and finally saw who was shooting at us; the man with the brown bowler hat. The one from the train. He reloaded his gun and shot, right where my head was. I screamed, grabbing Tewkesbury's hand to pull him down so he wouldn't get shot. I knew there would be a fight, and this dress would not help. I should really work on that if we are to make it out alive. I looked around the statue which we were hiding behind and saw him walking closer to us. I grabbed a piece of the statue that had fallen off from one of the shots, and threw it in a different direction, causing him to shoot it.

"Stay here." I said to Tewkesbury, and quickly ran over to the other side, so I might hopefully cause a surprise attack. Only issue, Tewkesbury was now in clear view of the shooter, and honestly I was worried that he might get shot. Once he was almost to Tewkesbury, I jumped on his back, trying to throw him off balance. The gun went off, but hit the suit of armour next to Tewkesbury, missing him by a tiny bit. I was thrown into a wall, but held on trying to grab the gun from him, but was thrown into another wall so hard that I felt as if I couldn't breathe for a second, and was then thrown on the floor, making the pain that much worse. He kicked me in the stomach, then used the bottom of the gun to hit me in the head, knocking me out.


I awoke, feeling as if the air in my lungs couldn't get out. I opened my eyes slowly, though everything seemed blurry. Once everything came into focus, I saw the man trying to choke Tewkesbury, practically killing him. A few tears fell from my eyes as I realised I would watch him die as I layed helplessly on the floor. I knew I had to help in any way I could, so I gathered all of my strength and crawled over to him. Unlike Enola, I understood this move quite well. I grabbed his ankle and turned over, placing my legs around his and effectively tripping him, making him let go of Tewkesbury, but also managing to hit his head on a very well placed decoration, causing a sickening sound to come from his head. I backed up, realising very well that I could have just killed this man. He fell to the floor, blood all over the side of his face. I turned to Tewkesbury who looked to be recovering okay. He was coughing, which was understandable since he was almost choked to death. I heard the man groaning, and trying to breathe. I was so mad that he had almost killed someone close to me, someone I cared for, that I went over to him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, pulling his head up a bit.

"Who are you working for?" He stared at me with a dead stare, but also one that said I win, it's over. "Who do you work for?!" I yelled.

"England." His head fell to the floor, now having no look in his eyes at all. I believed it to be over, all of it, until I heard a somewhat distant tapping sound coming from behind me. Tewkesbury and I turned around to see someone who I had met before. Tewkesbury stood up, confused.


"Yes. I'm afraid so. It seems if you want a job done, you have to do it yourself." I began walking in front of Tewkesbury, going to confront her, however I was stopped midway.

"No, Alexandra." I turned to Tewkesbury with pleading eyes, knowing this wouldn't end well. "Where's my mother?"

"In London. With your uncle. Looking for you. They never understood. I'm so sorry, darling." She grabbed the gun off of the floor, and got ready to shoot it, aiming straight at Tewksbury. "The future of the country is at stake."

"NO!" I screamed and ran to try and block it, but it was no use. By the time I got in front of him, the shot had been taken, and he was lying on the floor, not moving. I ran forward to the grandmother out of anger, who took another shot at me. I yelled, green magic coming from my hands, creating a shield. The shells dropped to the floor in front of me. She took another shot, but this time, nothing happened. The gun was out of bullets. She looked up and realised what she had done. I slowly walked up to her, as she dropped the weapon little by little, looking at her grandson on the floor behind me.

"It's done. It's done." she repeated. I grabbed the gun from her hands, looking at her with eyes full of hatred. As soon as I had it, I ran over to Tewkesbury, dropping the gun on the floor.

"Tewkesbury! No, Tewkesbury!" Though I hate to admit it, at this point in time, I was sobbing to the point where I couldn't see. I laid my head on his chest, hoping for some miracle that he would wake up. "Wake up, come on!" I put my hand in his, knowing I wouldn't be able to ever again. "No...No!" I sobbed into his chest for a minute, wishing for even a second more with him.

As if by some miracle, I felt fingers slowly grasp my hand. I looked up, and saw Tewkesbury opening his eyes, staring right into mine. He slowly began getting up. "Be careful. Be careful." I helped him sit up straight and looked at him confused.

"I'm not entirely an idiot, you know. He unbuttoned his shirt a little revealing a metal chestplate from the suit of armour that was hit earlier. I wrapped my arms around him tightly, just happy he was alive.

"I should have protected you, I'm sorry." I cried as I hugged him, I know I could have protected him if only he would have let me. I could have saved us both the emotional damage.

"It's not your fault, you were made to fight." We stood up, and he turned to his grandmother who was now looking at us amazed at how Tewkesbury was alive. He threw the metal chestplate on the ground and grabbed my hand as I stood next to him. "Your time is over." I squeezed his hand reassuringly, and went to find Enola so she could call the police. As I walked back inside with Enola, I went over to Tewkesbury. "Here, let me see." He turned my head to see the now bleeding cut from the gun earlier. "Enola, can you watch her?" She nodded to him, and Tewkesbury grabbed my hand , leading me to another room. He told me to sit down on one of the chairs, and I did. He came back a minute or so later with basic medical supplies.

"Should I really trust you with those?"

"You did last time, and it seemed to help." He grabbed another chair and sat somewhat in front of me, using a small rag with hydrogen peroxide to clean the wound, which hurt a lot considering it was a fresh one. He was soon done fixing me up, and we sat in silence, not sure what to do now.

"Are you alright? I mean, you did almost die." I asked. He worried me. How he would make it on his own eventually I had no idea.

"I'm fine. How did you survive? I heard the gun go off faintly."

"I'm not sure. I guess seeing you dead on the floor in front of me caused a wave of emotions, and I was able to muster up enough power to block the bullets."

"Why would seeing me dead cause so many emotions?"

"Because, whether you want to believe it or not..." I hesitated. I wanted to tell him, but I didn't know how he felt. Just go with it, I guess. "I like you a lot. Like more than friends usually would. Maybe like isn't the right word. I don't know about love, that might be a bit strong. But you are very nice, and caring, and I would trust you with my life, and I would love to spend more time with you, and you always find a way to make me smile or laugh, and-" I was cut off with a kiss. It didn't last as long as I would have liked, but I loved every second of it.

"I like you as 'more than a friend' too."

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