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She thought I was extraordinary. "Extraordinary..." I whispered to myself. I turned and noticed something on the paper that was sitting next to me. On the front page was a story about the Lords. DEADLOCK IN LORDS AS VOTE LOOMS: LAST CHANCE FOR CHANGE is what it said. I thought back and remembered something, "Every vote counts." I then realised that whoever was trying to kill Tewkesbury didn't want the vote to pass. That narrowed my search quite a lot.

I heard a knock on the door and quickly hid everything. "Delivery from Ferndell Hall." stated a man from behind the door. I walked over and opened it for him, now seeing the giant package in a huge box. "Care of Mr. Mycroft Holmes."

"What does he want?" I asked, annoyed.

"Well, whatever it is, it's heavy." The two delivery men, as I now saw both, brought the large item into my room and placed it in the middle of the floor, then closed the door behind them. I stared curiously at the package, and heard what seemed to be some rustling inside the package, followed by a sneeze. I kicked the box and heard an "Ow!" from inside. I opened the crate and saw Tewkesbury inside.

"Tewkesbury!" I said, immediately getting into the box so that I could give him a hug.

"Whoa! You're supposed to be helping me out, not getting in with me." he chuckled. I got out of the box and helped him out.

"How did you find me?"

"Well, you said you didn't want to come to Miss Harrison's Finishing School for Young Ladies. I have quite the prodigious memory when I choose to use it. So, I thought we'd go out the same way I came in. I even wore my most porter-ish coat." I ran up and hugged him again, just excited to be leaving this place.

"That's an excellent idea! Where's Enola?"

"She's over by the front with Miss Harrison's automobile thing."

I quickly grabbed the small amount of things I had (my spellbook, the necklace and the mouse thing for Enola) and got into the box. Almost as soon as the lid was shut I realised something. "Nope! Nope, nope, nope. Help me up. Miss Harrison, she will see right through you."

"Oh, I knew there was a flaw!"

"It's okay, just let me think. The plan was great, up until this bit." I thought for a second, and knew what to do. "Okay, here's how this will go. If Miss Harrison shows up and asks any questions, tell her that you are taking it to her office and that it's from Mycroft. She has a bit of a thing for him. Tell her she is to only open it in private. I can escape from her office from there." After figuring it out, I went back into the box, which I must say was very uncomfortable. Tewkesbury began dragging the box throughout the school and we almost made it to the door when I heard a familiar voice, one I wish I would never hear again.

"Stop there. Who are you? Have you permission to be in this school?"

"Um... I was just delivering a package, miss. Um, to the headmistress. Could you please direct me to her office?"

"I am the headmistress of this school."
"Well, then, um, this is for you."

"Well, open it up. Let me see what's inside."

"Oh, I can't miss. I was given express instructions that this be opened in private." I was getting a little nervous now, but, in the worst case scenario, we run out the doors.

"Oh, how ridiculous."

"By my employer, miss."

"And who might that be?"

"Mycroft Holmes." Please work, please work, please work. I suddenly heard two other sets of feet approaching.

"Girls, would you just take this parcel into my office so that I might open it later?" It worked! Tewkesbury walked out the front, as we had decided, and waited for me under the window of the office. I left a small drawing of Miss Harrison and Mycroft in the box and grabbed my things, placing the mouse in my pocket and the necklace around my neck quickly before getting out my spell book and opening the window. I stepped onto the tiny ledge and looked down to see it was a much farther drop than I originally anticipated. Tewkesbury looked worried about what I was going to do, but I decided to just trust myself and all will be well. Besides, the worst case is I fall on Tewkesbury, which is payback from when he fell on my legs when we first met on the train.

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