"What does it say?" I opened the explanation first and began reading it aloud.

"Alexandra, I know you must be confused, lost maybe, but I hope to shed some light on your current situation. My name is Charles Astor. I am your father. I hope you've had an amazing and magical life. Yes, I know about magic. I know that your mother was a witch and passed it down to you, and I know that you'll do wonderful things. The man that you have been staying with, Thompson, isn't your real father, as you now know. He took you and your mother away from me when you were young, maybe five, and repressed any memory of me." I began getting choked up, but continued reading, trying not to cry. "Even though he hid you from me, I will always be with you. If you're reading this, then I must have passed on as your mother must have. You are the rightful heir to everything I own. It isn't much, but I hope it will help you in life.



I began lightly crying, trying to process what I just read when I felt two pairs of arms wrap around me comforting me. After a minute or so, I had regained my composure and was able to read the song, and eventually sing it.

[Mockingbird by Eminem, but I changed some of the lyrics and took some out]

"Alex, I know you miss your mom, and I know you miss your dad

When I'm gone, but I'm trying to give you the life that I never had

I can see you're sad, even when you smile, even when you laugh

I can see it in your eyes, deep inside you want to cry

Because you're scared, I'm not there, daddy's with you in your prayers

No more crying, wipe them tears, daddy's here, no more nightmares

We're all we got in this world, when it spins, when it swirls

When it whirls, when it twirls, a little beautiful girl

I try to keep you sheltered from it, but somehow it seems

The harder that I try to do that, the more it backfires on me

All the things growing up, his daddy, daddy had to see

Daddy don't want you to see, but you see just as much as he did

I guess it was never meant to be

But it's just something we have no control, over and that's what destiny is

But no more worries, rest your head and go to sleep

Maybe one day we'll wake up, and this will all just be a dream

Now hush little baby, don't you cry

Everything's gonna be alright

Stiffen that upper-lip up, little lady, I told ya

Daddy's here to hold ya through the night

I know mommy's not here right now, and we don't know why

We fear how we feel inside

It may seem a little crazy, pretty baby

But I promise momma's gon' be alright

And if you ask me too

Daddy's gonna buy you a Mockingbird

I'ma give you the world

I'ma buy a diamond ring for you, I'ma sing for you

I'll do anything for you to see you smile

And if that Mockingbird don't sing, and that ring don't shine

I'ma break that birdies neck

I'd go back to the jeweller who sold it to you

And make him give me every karat, don't mess with dad"

I sat for a moment, now over the shock, but overwhelmed with emotions. A few tears fell off of my face, but I tried my best to hide it. Right now wasn't the time, I could be emotional later.

"Can we...change the subject?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'll go make us some tea." Enola responded.

"So you genuinely believe my life's in danger?" Tewkesbury asked worriedly. We all walked out of the room following Enola as she led us to the small kitchen. "From whom?"

"Your past and your future," said Enola.

"Whatever does that mean?"

"Your family." I said finally. I leaned against one of the tables closer to the door as I explained. "They didn't send a detective to find you. They could have, and they didn't. Instead, they send a murderer."

"Why would anyone want me dead?"

"Countless reasons." stated Enola, looking up from the kettle. "Your personality your ridiculous hair, your silly smile-"

"Or, possibly your land, your estate, your title, your seat." I interrupted. "Same reasons they wanted your father dead. Greed does funny things to people, Tewkesbury."

"So now you're saying you think they killed my father?"

"We don't think, we know."

"No. No, none of this makes the slightest sense. My father's death was caused by a botched burglary, and...and it would have been easier to kill me before I ran away rather than now..."

"I entirely agree." I stated. "I think they tried to. We found the branch that almost killed you. It had been cut." I whispered.


I heard something right next to me and grabbed a knife off of the table and threw it at whoever was there missing their head by an inch, and began ushering Enola and Tewkesbury out of the room, but not before Tewkesbury pushed the man into a table as he tried to get up. We began running up to the room as people (including the random man) were shouting things, but I tuned them out trying to think of a way out of this, with no luck.

"Move the chest! Move the chest!" Enola yelled.
"Open up Miss Posy or should I say Miss Holmes?" Lestrade! Maybe he could help us with trying to catch Tewkesbury's killer.

"Inspector Lestrade, I need to report an attempted murder. You're supposed to be on our side!" I yelled. There was some more conversation from the other side, and I realised the window was still open. "See that window over there? It leads onto a roof. I need you two to climb out and take off into nowhere."

"And leave you?" said Enola.

"I need to hold this door!"

"But you need to get away too!" Tewkesbury added.

"If he catches you, your life will be in danger, Tewkesbury. If he catches Enola, she may have no chance at finding her mother and will be shipped off to a school she does not want to go to. Please, Enola, go." Enola, hearing the desperateness in my voice, walked over towards the window and lept out, leaving just me and Tewkesbury. "Tewkesbury, you have to go."

"If you get caught, you could be killed. They still do that to people with your abilities you know. I'm not letting you die. I don't want to leave you Alexandra."

"I'm not afraid to die, but I would much rather die knowing you and Enola are safe than not knowing if you will live another day. Please, go. I can't hold the door much longer." He finally seemed to understand and began walking away, before turning around and giving me a small kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you." With that he lept out the window, trying to find Enola. I turned back to make sure they both had left, which was a bad idea because at that moment, the door was forced open, and I ended up having to let go or I would be crushed by the chest.

Lestrade walked in, looking around the room and I noticed the lady we got the room from standing in the doorway. "He's worth more, but you and Enola give me greater pleasure. At least I have one of you now."

Enola Holmes - The WitchWhere stories live. Discover now