Chapter 7: shopping

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Oh, this was terrific. Lester/Leslie was shaking with fear, trying to hide behind me as we walked through the mall. She was looking around furtively all over the place, no doubt scared we would run into some kids from school, and there was a good chance we might. I liked that.

"Kara, what are we going to shop for?"

"Well, that's up to you. What do you think you need?"

"Um, I don't know . . . I'm not sure."

"Come on, just think that you're a girl going shopping, you must have some ideas." I tried not to smirk.

"Er . . . um, maybe some underwear."

Ha! She probably thought that buying underwear would be a safer exercise. We headed for the lingerie shoppe.

Leslie picked out a pack of panties.

"Better get two packs."

"Er, okay."

"And you need a training bra; over here."

"A what?"

I knew her chest size. I selected a suitable one. "This should fit you. Come and try it on."

"Try it on . . . !!!!"

"Yep, in here," I said pointing to one of the change booths.

If she didn't stop shaking so much she would give herself away.

The bra was a perfect fit. We headed for the checkout.

"Kara, could you buy them for me . . . I'm . . ."

"No, I won't. Go on, get up there."

The girl at the checkout paid hardly any attention to her and, as we walked out with Leslie carrying a bag full of her new underthings, she heaved a huge sigh of relief.

Then it was a pair of shoes, a nice top, some girl's shorts, new earrings and a few items of makeup. Of course, I was making Leslie pay for all this, she had plenty. She was calming down towards the end and even pretended to enjoy herself.

Unfortunately, we didn't run into anyone we knew.

I took her shopping again the next Saturday; more bits and pieces along with a skirt and a dress. She was a lot less frightened this time, and that was a bit disappointing.

But, ah ha . . . we ran into some kids from school. We chatted for a few minutes - I just said Leslie was a friend - and then the other kids just went on. Damn, they hadn't recognised Lester in his get-up. What was wrong with the useless buggers . . .?"

I hadn't wanted to expose Lester myself, that would seem to make me responsible (which I was, of course). I wanted them to see through him, then he would appear responsible; and me, I was very kindly helping him to be a sissy, that's all I was doing; Yep, sweet Kara.

Leslie had hardly said a word while the others were there, but now she started gabbling excitedly, "They just thought I was a girl, didn't they, Kara, just a normal girl,? They didn't realise who I was. They didn't recognise me; I must look all right, mustn't I? I must."

"Yeah," I responded vaguely, wondering what I should do next with her.

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