The Investigation

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"Yeah, I'll take a double bacon cheeseburger with everything on it, a large order of fries, and a large root beer."

The cashier repeated her order back to her then asked, "Will that complete your order?"

"Hmm, you  know what....throw in two of those fried apple pies as well."

"Yes ma'am.  We'll have your total at the window."

Detective Vanessa Archer drove away from the speaker and waited behind three other cars to get her order from the window.  Her partner, an older man by the name of Barry, looked at her with a big smirk on his face.  "How the hell do you eat like that and still manage to stay in shape?"

"Moderation and running after assholes every day."

Barry patted his large gut.  "I've been chasing 'em for years and it hasn't helped my fat ass."

"That's because you eat half a dozen donuts for breakfast every morning, my man.  Try a fruit smoothie or some boiled eggs every once in a while."

"I'd rather be fat, thanks."

Vanessa laughed and handed the cashier a twenty dollar bill as she drove up to the window, exchanging it for two brown paper sacks that held their food.

She parked in a nearby parking lot, where they scarfed down their greasy lunches. Barry belched and gulped down some of his soda. "What ever happened to that clown you were dating, you know, the one who set up pins at the bowling alley?"

"We weren't dating," Vanessa insisted with a mouth full of fries, "I went out with him one time, and we just had a couple of drinks."

"He was that lame, huh?"

"No!  He just wasn't my type."

Barry looked at her knowingly.  "Don't let the job kill your social life."

"What social life?"

"Exactly. Ya need to get out more, meet people your own age."

"Okay, Dad."

Barry smiled. "Just looking out for you, kid. I've seen this job turn many cops into loners."

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I do have a date tomorrow night."

"Spill the tea, girl."

Vanessa's brow lifted.

"Isn't that what the kids these days are saying?"

"Yes, I suppose it is."

"Spill it, then!"


"Archer, you read?"

"Ah, the tea will have to wait," Vanessa picked up her radio and answered the call, "We read."

"Two uniforms found a stiff in the woods, same place as the others."

"Copy that. We're on our way."  She placed the radio back down and looked at her partner.  "Guess we'll have to save those apple pies for later."

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