The First Victim

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Six Months Earlier:

Killer Fitness was one of the most popular gyms in the city.  They had every piece of equipment a work out junkie could ask for, a staff of well educated and kind hearted personal trainers, a positive environment, and was owned by a young married couple, Dean and Lilian Henderson, who cared about each and every member.

There was only one problem with the gym, and his name was Bryce Richardson.  He had been hired by the owners because of his impressive resumé, which they soon came to regret when they received several complaints from very upset members.

Bryce was summoned to their office immediately after the complaints were given.  He admired both of their bodies as they stared at him through serious eyes. 

Dean cleared his throat to begin the uncomfortable conversation.  "Thank you for coming on such short notice, Bryce."

"No worries, Boss.  What did you need to talk to me about?"

"We've received some complaints about your training methods."


"I'm afraid so.  Some of your clients have told us that you shame them during your sessions.  They were very upset.  One client said you told her that she was going to die before her children grew up if she didn't stop, and I quote, 'shoving her fat mouth full of donuts and fried shit.'"

"Yeah, so?"

"You can't say things like that."  Lillian interjected, "No one has ever become healthy by being shamed for their bad habits.  You have to be empathetic."

"So I said a few harsh truths."

"It's more than that."  Dean said, "Did you force one of your clients to run on the treadmill until they threw up?"

"I didn't know the old man would lose his lunch.  I was trying to help the fucker with his endurance."

"He's sixty four years old, Bryce."

"He's out of shape."

"Regardless, we are taking this very seriously.  You have become a liability to our gym.  We're going to have to let you go."

Bryce rose from his seat.  "Bro, you're going to fire me over some dumb complaints."

"We cannot have someone on our staff who makes people feel uncomfortable and ashamed of themselves.  Our entire philosophy is getting healthy through a positive community."

"Screw your positivity, you hippie wannabes.  I'm going to open my own gym!"

"That's your choice, and we wish you the best of luck."

Bryce stormed out of their office with all the grace of a pissed off toddler, startling several members when he picked up a fifty pound weighted plate and slammed it on the floor.  "You can all suck my balls!"  He roared before thrusting the doors open and stomping to his truck.

He couldn't believe it.  What was wrong with using a little harsh motivation to get those morons into shape?  He'd spent years developing his impressive muscles.  Four AM workouts, protein shakes with raw eggs mixed in, eating three thousand calories every day to feed his muscles-all of it would be for nothing if he couldn't train.  It was all he had ever dreamed of.

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