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Jale huffed at the presence of Lord Baelish from behind her. It had been four moons since the war had begun. Jale and Sansa were now considered prisoners of war.

"Whatever do you wish to bother me with today Lord Baelish? I have little patience towards your daily philosophies." She rolled her eyes as she stared out at the port.

Petyr chuckled to himself.

Petyr and Jales relationship had changed dramatically since the death of her father. Where she once was motherly and kind, she now was cold and suspicious. She despised Petyr, as she believed he had something to do with the fall of her father.

Petyr liked the coldness to which had grown inside her. She appeared a girl no more, but a silent wolf waiting to kill. He liked to watch as she was forced to stand in observance of Joffrey's charades, because her eyes held an evil to which he had never seen.

She craved blood. She wanted to rip the Lannisters apart. And Petyr craved nothing more but to help her.

"Do you truly hate my musing with such vigor Lady Stark? Do you forget I am perhaps your only ally? The only reason I tell you these things so I may help you. Where was the kind girl who once listened to my council devotedly?" He smirked as her hard eyes pierced at him like daggers.

"My naïveté died the day I watched my fathers head fall from his neck. I trust no one, especially a snake who covers himself in a birds feathers. I dream of silting your throat ear to ear... Littlefinger. I will rejoice in the day my brother brings me your head. I'll dip it in tar so I may look at it forever in satisfaction."

Petyr looked to the Tully looking girl with anger. He had underestimated her. Her Stark side truly shown. Where Catelyn would have clung to him in despair whispering words of hatred, Jale dreamt of a Stark vengeance.

"Joffrey summons you." He bluntly said before leaving the hateful girl.

Joffrey laughed as he commanded his guard to throw Sansa into the floor of the court. Jale stood stoically as he continued his verbal and physical assault.

Jale had not seen her sister in great time. She had been preyed upon by the Lannisters. Her vulnerability shown louder than the red of her hairs.

"PLEASE! I HAVE DONE NOTHING TO WARRANT SUCH TREATMENT YOUR GRACE!" Sansa cried as she attempted to fight off the guard who hit her.

Jale hissed as the knight struck her thirteen year old sister.

"Your existence warrants such treatment! A traitors blood flows through you. Ah- Jaleryd Stark. It seems you have made your presence known. Join your sister in the center of my court!" Joffrey smarted as Jale clenched her fists.

Cersei watched fearfully as Joffrey ascend the Iron Throne. Sansa's abuse reflected badly on Joffrey's character but Jaleryd's unpredictablity made this dangerous for Joffrey.

"Your Grace, I believe the Stark girls have paid enough repentance today. Sansa is your betrothed, despite her lineage. And Jaleryd is to be your sister in-law and a highly respected noble woman of the North. Once her brother is defeated it is likely she will become Warden." Cersei reminded her son in a sweet tone as he stopped in front of the stoic Stark who stood taller than he.

"She has two other brothers. If they survive and bend the knee to me, they will take it. I will have no woman serve in power, even if those imbecile Northerners claim this bitch to be some messiah of their dead gods and tree people. Women are made for breeding. Maybe I should take out your womb in a start to end House Stark from reproducing Lady Jale."

Jale remained cold as Joffrey held his blade to her abdomen. She saw the rage fill his eyes as she made no move to advert his threat.

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