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Jale sighed as Lord Baelish showed her the drawing of Ser Loras Tyrell. Light curls, a brilliant smile, and a youthfulness.

"Loras was raised by his pioneering and dominating grandmother, Lady Olenna. His sister Margaery is also said to be quite cunning and talented in the art of manipulating men. Loras is the heir to Highgarden, which would make you Lady of Highgarden and Wife of The Warden of The Reach. As you know the Tyrell are perhaps even more wealthy than the crown and the Lannisters. It would be a good match for you."

Lord Baelish watched as the girls eyes in front of him looked skeptical.

"He seems a bit to pretty to agree to marry me."

Lord Baelish looked to the side, gazing at the large scar that adorned her face. Teeth marks and gashed from large claws slicing eternity on her skin.

He looked to the other half. The one that held Catelyns cheek bones and that questioning look she had with her eyebrows. The reddish tint to her auburn-brown hair reminded him in childhood playing with Catelyns hair.

But then he saw the Stark parts of her. Her fathers stormy grey eyes, the plump lips of her aunt Lyanna which men had lusted after for years. The wolfs deathly-pale skin that was almost translucent from years underneath cloud and moon.

He couldn't decide weather she would be the one. He saw too much Ned in her. He didn't like looking at her eyes, he saw the North in them when he longed to see the Riverlands.

Sansa was far to young for his taste but her uncanny likeliness to her mother tempted him. There was no North in the girls features, only Whent and Tully.

"Im sure Loras could look past something so futile." He smiled as the girl rose to her feet, taking the books on House Tyrell with her.

Lord Baelish soon had to decide on which Stark girl he would pursue. The eldest was a risky bet, Ned was already aware of the possibility of interest. But Sansa was far too young, Catelyn would despise him if he ever laid a hand upon her.

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