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       The tourney was in full swing. Many knights across the Seven Kingdoms had come to compete. The members of the Kings Small Council and their company were granted the best seats in the house.

Jale sat in the front row just underneath the King with her father and Sansa. Arya was away at her "dancing lessons."

Ros the whore had made Jales hair in the most beautiful of lower braids. They were tucked at the back of the nap her neck in a similar way her mother wore hers. Ros has added some pearls to the weaving. She had told Jale men liked the glistening of them.

Jale had been gifted a dress by Lord Varys. It was a kind offer. He had sent it in apologies for never formally introducing himself and wanted to gain a friendship. The dress was of northern origin but held the vibrant dyes of the south. It was a beautiful deep blue of sapphires with the Stark sigil embroidered upon her heart. The dress had many designs of leaves and roots in silver.

Jale felt the eyes of Lord Baelish behind her. He sat himself behind her beside the other members of council. Her father noticed her worried eyes and tapped her on the knee.

"We will be starting with a Frey boy against the Lord Beric Dondarrion." He tried to distract her from her thoughts back on the tourney.

The crowd watched as the strangely dirty man walked in with a dark brown stead. He was known for being a of a strange religion one another man of court shared.

They watched as the two began their jousting. Her father used to compete in these tournaments and found it moderately amusing though he had much on his mind. Sansa and Jale sat together and played finger swords in boredom when Septa Mordane was not looking. Septa was oddly dedicated to the games.

Petyr watched as Jale hissed as Sansa hit her pinky. Sansa smiled as she won their little game that had went on for about an hour now. Jale felt a tap on her shoulder. Petyr positioned his head between the two girls. They both uneasily turned slightly to hear Lord Baelish.

"Watch closely girls. Next is the handsome young Ser Hugh of The Vale and The Mountain. It will be a very interesting show if the talented Ser Hugh manages to beat The Mountain. Do you know what he did?"

Petyr looked with wild eyes at the brutish tall man. Jale followed his eyes. She felt a lump grow in her throat. Sansa looked over to her father who noticed Littlefingers closeness to his daughters.

"You see the Hound over there my dears? I call him Prince Joffrey's lap dog. He is The Mountains brother, Gregor Clegane. Gregor gave those scares to his own brother. Sandor had stolen one of his toys, so Gregor held his face against the fire and watched his skin melt until their father came in to intervene. It's quite the interesting story." Petyr smiled to Jale as Sansa quickly looked away.

Ned Stark was now glaring at Littlefinger. His suspicions were now proven.

"I find it unfitting to fill a young ladies head with such horrible tales Petyr." Ned said sternly as Jale looked to her father. She was uncomfortable but still felt a soothing at the scent of Lord Baelish's perfumes. His close proximity had allowed her to enjoy the only pleasure of his company.

"It's alright father. I found it enticing. " She placed her hand upon Neds knee. He needed to remain calm in front of the people.

Ser Hugh was very handsome, he was from a very low born family but had found his way into the hands of the generous Jon Arryn before his death.

Ser Hugh pranced across the jousting yard before the courts collection of lords and ladies. Sansa smiled brightly at the young Knight. If he should give her his favor it would be her first. He smiled brightly at the young and beautiful Sansa.

Ser Hugh noticed the presence of Jaleryd Stark. Taken aback by the hideous scar that took up part of her face he quickly retracted the rose subconsciously. He tried to hide his disgust but Jale had noticed and so had many others of court.

She looked back as hushed whispers and giggling sounded. The King, already drunk, also had noticed the commotion.

Jale bit her lip hard as not to scream in embarrassment. He had truly and utter embarrassed her in front of some of the most powerful people in the country.

Ser Hugh noticed his mistake and quickly presented the rose to Jale with a plastered fake smile. Jale paused looking down at the simple flower.

The court and common people erupted into laughter as Ser Hugh screamed in disgust. Jaleryd had spit in his face. Her father looked to her with horror but the Septa's face was far worse.

"Father did you see! Lady Jaleryd spat in Ser Hugh's face after her insulted her!" Prince Joffrey could barely keep in his seat from laughter. Sansa stunned couldn't even look back to gawk at him.

Cersei unlike her children and husband was not amused. She glared disgusted and quickly got up and left court. The King laughing and praising Ned Starks daughter hadn't even noticed her disappearance.

It was a rare occasion for Jale to act so outlandish but she held her father pride and Ser Hugh had severely wounded hers. She held back tears of shame as she quickly stood and fled the tourney.

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